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need someone who knows a great deal with scripting

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I was wondering if some could help me make a script where if your the gunner of a helicopter you can switch to the pilot to fly then switch back to thegunner i know about slx car mod and gdt mod but that allows you to use the gunner optics i need to be the gunner then switch to pilot thanks for reading and considering heping -joel

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this will work in SP / MP environments

a simple way to do it is

in the init of the chopper add

 _nill = [this] execVM "Swap_Actions.sqf";


_veh = _this select 0;

//Swap Actions

_veh addAction ["Move To Gunner" , "To_Gunner.sqf",[],0,false,false,"","(isplayer (driver _target)) and !(isplayer (gunner _target))"];
_veh addAction ["Move To Driver" , "To_Driver.sqf",[],0,false,false,"","!(isplayer (driver _target)) and (isplayer (gunner _target))"];


private ["_veh","_driver","_gunner"];

_veh = _this select 0;
_driver = driver _veh;
_gunner = gunner _veh;

_driver setpos [0,0,1];
_driver setVelocity [0, 0, 0];
waituntil {((_veh emptypositions "Driver") == 1)};
_gunner action ["moveToDriver", _veh];
_driver moveinGunner _veh;
_driver assignasGunner _veh;


private ["_veh","_driver","_gunner"];

_veh = _this select 0;
_driver = driver _veh;
_gunner = gunner _veh;

_gunner setpos [0,0,1];
_gunner setVelocity [0, 0, 0];
waituntil {((_veh emptypositions "Gunner") == 1)};
_driver action ["moveTogunner", _veh];
_gunner moveindriver _veh;
_gunner assignasdriver _veh;

Edited by Zonekiller

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