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MP is broken for a lot of people

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so for some reason and myself included whenever i join someone server or someone joins my server and this is not 100% of the time. I try to start the engine and it doesn't work, or someone in my server tries to start the engine and it doesn't work. Then as soon as they get out of the chopper the engine starts spooling by itself, then they try to get back in and the engine spool down.....

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I dont know if you guys kow what causes this erratic MP behaviour, but I'll add some more info as we did some testing yesterday. We all experienced the same problems as reported earlier namely, some players not able to start their engines, getting CTD's after entering exiting helicopters, same thing with crashing an helicopter.

So the only workable workaround at the present moment to keep a session going for more than a minut or two, is to create missions where the helicopters are set to "flying" and spawn inside a helicopter in order to bypass the startup problem. Next, trying to avoid exiting the aircrafts (although I dont think there's any problem with that, I have been in/out of the choppers several times duing these "air start" sessions w/o problems .) and perhaps most importantly...dont crash :D

If you stick with the above mentioned, you and your buddies can fly indefinitly.

And if I may, a non related question, but will there be sling-op's in MP where everyone can participate? And, is it possible to create such a mission with the current mission editor?

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And if I may, a non related question, but will there be sling-op's in MP where everyone can participate? And, is it possible to create such a mission with the current mission editor?

Yes and yes. :)

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I played a mp mission last night on a server hosted by MD500Enthusiast. I had a whale of a good time!


the good news is, our opinion is that the Toh Beta multiplayer is pretty stable.

the bad news, well, until more appropriate missions are created, it can get boring to only fly around in MP. We role played a few rescue scenarios. fun.

I suggest that MD500Enthusiast modify the mission so that the base is at an airfield with more room and not Larkins base. The vehicle respawns were so close they easily damaged their neighbor choppers either by operator error or spawning too close to each other. Perhaps that might have been some of the 'engine not stating' issue, IDK.

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