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Editor - 3 maps?

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Hello all,

I am new here - got the game a few days ago, and I am liking it.

However, I have a question about the editor. Are there only three maps available to play on? That's a bit...... too few, really.

Is there any way to get the other game maps into the editor? Or do I need to download some? If so, how? And where do I put them? Alternatively, can I make my own maps?



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You can also buy (which is strongly recommended) original ArmA2 since it will add Utes (a small one) and Chernarus (225 sq. km one which is as big as Zargabad and Takistan put together and much more detailed).

That's excluding all the units and weapons OA doesn't have (think about 2 times more in total) plus the ability to play with ACE mod which adds a lot of realism features and many servers use it.

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Thanks a lot, both of you.

I have just had a look at those links, and it seems there is a lot to download - excellent! As a test, I downloaded the ToraBora map from there, then used the video to install it. Then when I tried it in the game, I was able to set up a quick battle. This is excellent! Thanks a lot!

Also, I will be buying the original ARMA 2. I know it seems strange to buy the standalone expansion to a game I haven't already got.... :rolleyes:

Cheers for the advice!


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I have 39 maps, err I think. So there is plenty to download, enough to last for, well 'ever zzzzzz'

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"Maps" is a quite uncommon term in the Armaverse and rarely used. We rather speak of "Islands" and "Missions".


A geographical representation of a certain area. Exist in different sizes, topologies and climatic regions. Usually contains a complete infrastructure as you're used to see in real life. Doesn't include any units and/or vehicles. Missions take place on such a Island.


A mission takes place on a particular island (see above). During a mission it isn't possible to switch the used island. This would require a campaign but also there it is only possible to switch between missions, not during a single mission.

A mission contains (beside the island) all required units, vehicles and game mechanics (like triggers, markers, etc.) to fulfill the mission. How this looks like is up to the mission designer.

And as Armariffic already pointed: look at the size of the islands. Should be sufficient to create all sorts of missions.

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Don't forget to install the latest patch as well. It will add 2 more small official maps. Although they will be in "lite" versions (meaning you need to buy DLCs...). Although Shapur will look OK save for one texture - Proving Grounds will look terrible. But that way you will also see if you are interested in purchasing "full content".

All in all it will be 7 maps with 3 being very large - quite a good deal.

From the modder maps I'll also recommend Thirsk (contains both winter and summer versions -


Lingor island is also not bad -

Edited by metalcraze

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