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HUD Question

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In some of the videos I have seen a green military style telemetry HUD.

How do I enable that?

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I think it was replaced by the new gauge system. Which is suitable for civ choppers. Maybe the military choppers in the full game get some kind of helmet mounted displays, who knows...

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I was really hoping that was not the case.

I think the sim needs a "hover HUD". There are several HeliHUD's for Xplane and MSFS that really help handling the heli when your view is not centered.

I posted about this here:http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121033&page=52

The idea is that there is a simple HUD centered to your view, but unobtrusive, that will give you indication of attitude, direction, & vertical speed.

I feel it is very important to have so as to replace the lack of inner ear(balance) feedback you would normally get from being seated in the heli.

That way, if you are leaning over looking down at your slung load for drop off, you don't completely lose your sense of stability.

the guages are helpful, but they don't show if you are translating sideways or backwards. and they are too far off center to be effective. And if they were centered, they would be obstructing your view.

practice hovering without autotrim, manual trim, or autohover and try looking sideways and down. it is very hard to tell that the aircraft is shifting.

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> In some of the videos I have seen a green military style telemetry HUD.

It is still available, but not used in any helicopter.

If you have UI config from some older community preview, you can use it.

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