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ACE for OA 1.12

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do not get the "arm explosives" action. tried all the explosive types from c4 and satchels to claymores and slam charges. did a search and found a short thread with only a couple posts and dead links so it wasnt any help. any ideas?

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Use the 'Self interaction' (default right windows key) to drop the satchel charge. then use the 'Other interaction' (default rightside application key) to toggle explosion options.

I do believe there are user manuals somewhere on the ace wagn.


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If you experience strange issues Fruity_Rudy, first disable other mods and see if it helps, make sure you have the latest ACE and that it's in order (Run Verify and Repair).

If still issues, plz create a ticket :)

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Hi guys, first post, first question :

I'm trying to use the function ACE_fnc_listCargo to check the content of a vehicle cargo but it always returns ANY. Any ideas how I have to do this ?

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