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Addaction question

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I know how to add an action to object or unit.

this addaction ["call in cas", "cas.sqf"];

what i wonder is it possible add the addaction to a leader of a group? and if that leader die the next leader of the group take over the addaction option.

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Something along the line of;

Set Trigger to Repeatedly

Condition: !alive leader groupname

Activation: leader groupname addaction [etc.]

Not sure if that is the best way to do it but it was the first thing that came to my mind. You might need a small delay between the condition and the activation though.

Edited by Jakerod

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fully possible in many different ways, just keep track of the leader and then add it to the new leader upon death.

while {({alive _x} count units groupname) != 0} do {
_leader = leader groupname;
_id = _leader addAction ["call in cas", "cas.sqf"];

waitUntil {sleep 1; !alive _leader};
_leader removeAction _id;
waitUntil {alive (leader groupName)};

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