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is there any Leatherman/Multitool?

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Working on adding a IED script to my mission and was wondering if there is any small tools availible in the game / addon?

The bolt cutter isnt small enough in my eyes.

My though is that something small, like a multitool must be in the players inventory in order to be able to disarm IEDs.

Any ideas?

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Not really by default. You could use something like the Moscow_Bombing_File item they have to have in their inventory. Looks like a folder, but at least the name is somewhat appropriate. :)

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Okey, will try that.

Is there any addon you can suggest that brings some other equipment that might be useful?


What im trying to do is add the ability to find and desarm IEDs with the SR5 IEDdetect script.

Usually i must add this to the INIT of a player:

nul0 = [this,50,10,00,01] execVM "enemy\modules\SR5_IEDdetect\IEDdetect_detector.sqf"

But i would like it so that only player who is carrying a certain item would be able to find and disable IEDs.

Preferably a tool of somekind, but havent found any.

Trying to use this in INIT.sqf to check if a player is caryring the item:

[player hasWeapon "Moscow_Bombing_File"] [nul0 = [this,50,10,00,01] execVM "enemy\modules\SR5_IEDdetect\IEDdetect_detector.sqf"];

But no joy. Not that good on coding so i cant seem to find the correct information on how to change the variables and arrays...


Is it possible in other ways to limit the rank of a player (to simulate training for this kind of stuff) or have a UID or role limiation?

Say only XXX UID (clan use)


Role: e.g only IED Tech can find and disarm?

Edited by Frosties

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you can use this in your init.sqf:

[] spawn {
waitUntil {player hasWeapon "Moscow_Bombing_File"};
nul0 = [player,50,10,00,01] execVM "enemy\modules\SR5_IEDdetect\IEDdetect_detector.sqf";

You can also make a loop that removes the ability once the item has been dropped. (Not sure if the IED detect script supports that, should be doable though...)

[] spawn {
while {true} do {
	waitUntil {player hasWeapon "Moscow_Bombing_File"};
	nul0 = [player,50,10,00,01] execVM "enemy\modules\SR5_IEDdetect\IEDdetect_detector.sqf";
	waitUntil {!player hasWeapon "Moscow_Bombing_File"};
	// remove ability ?

BTW: The ACE Mod has some good toys for your purpose. :)



Regarding the limitaions:

if (getPlayerUID player == "123") then {
// add here

if (rank player == "SERGEANT") then {
// add here

if (typeOf player == "US_Soldier_Engineer_EP1") then {
// add here

Edited by sxp2high

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Thanks guys, i will give this a try.

Regarding the minesweeper, im trying to get a deasrming kit up and running, not finding buried mines :P

if (typeOf player == "US_Soldier_Engineer_EP1") then {

// add here


Can i make this an array and put several things?

Have tried this in my INIT.sqf but its not working:

private ["_ied_class_array","_player_class"];
_ied_class_array = ["m_Seal2h_ACE"];

if (_player_class in _ied_class_array) then
   nul0 = [player,50,10,00,01] execVM "enemy\modules\SR5_IEDdetect\IEDdetect_detector.sqf";
// add here

Edited by Frosties

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(typeOf player) in _Array is possible.

You sure about that class name? m_Seal2h_ACE looks a bit off.

Any errors in your RPT?

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