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A pilot unit may have skills Engineer?

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I want a tripulate an aircraft engineer to do the role without having to use an engineer unit.

I wonder if there some command to a unit as any eg Pilot has the engineering skills ?

I'm looking for this answer already has some time ...

P.S: I use ACE


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I've tried to search for something like this but I couldn't find an answer.

I noticed, though, that all engineers have a variable called 'engineer' set to 1 in its .pbo, which is probably what will tell the game that he is an engineer ... but I have no experience modifying addons and didn't want to try and place this variable in another class.

Perhaps you could follow up on this. Hope it helps a bit.

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all engineers have a variable called 'engineer' set to 1 in its .pbo, which is probably what will tell the game that he is an engineer .


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You can't make a pilot to be an engineer without creating and addon, i think. But you can make a engineer to be a pilot in ACE( to avoid blackouts):



But it won't look like a pilot, that's the downside.

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I'm using this little repair script for my mission where the civilians can repair their vehices. Just modify it to your needs (instead of civilians able to run this script make it for pilots):


put this in the init line of the vehicles which are to be repairable:
_id = this addAction ["Repair", "scripts\repair.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "(getDammage _target) < 1 AND (getDammage _target) > 0 AND (side _this) == civilian AND (vehicle _this) == _this"];

in conjuction with the vehicle respawn script I'm using it looks like this (the "_id= this add..." code is twice in here. once for the current vehicle placed in the editor and once for the same respawning vehicle):
veh = [this, 100, 0, 0, false, false, "_id = this addAction [""Repair"", ""scripts\repair.sqf"", [], 1, false, true, """", ""(getDammage _target) < 1 AND (getDammage _target) > 0 AND (side _this) == civilian AND (vehicle _this) == _this""];"] execVM "scripts\vehicle.sqf"; _id = this addAction ["Repair", "scripts\repair.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "(getDammage _target) < 1 AND (getDammage _target) > 0 AND (side _this) == civilian AND (vehicle _this) == _this"];


_vehicle = _this select 0;		// this is the vehicle.
_playerUnit = _this select 1;		// this is the repairing player.
_playerUnit playMove "ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2";		// here the player starts the repair animation.
sleep 10;		// some sleep time for the repairs to take place
_vehicle setDammage 0;	// here we reset the damage of the vehicle to 0.
hint "Vehicle repaired!";

//_vehicle setFuel 1;	// here we fill up the fuel tank. (uncomment this if you want to refuel the vehicle as well)

// this is a sqf script so it will exit here on its own, no need to end it.

I'm not sure if the hint message is global or just received by the person repairing.. you might wanna look into that or remove the hint message entirely.

make sure you alter the path and name of the repair script to yours script file.

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unpack pbo with units(i preffer do it with mods, i did it with one or two...), unbin config.bin into .cpp, find ur unit, add there engineer = 1

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I think Bulldog Six's post is your best bet!...try to understand what's going on there.

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