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Is there any way to terminate this function or the video that is launched by this function?

I tried terminate command but it didn't work.

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I can get the video to stop but not the sound.

bis_fnc_customGPSvideo_videoStopped = true;

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It does make the GPS disappear from the screen, but the video is still playing in the background and when I want to launch it again, it doesn't start from the beginning, but actually pops up again and continue. I hope there is a solution to that.

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Are using a custom .ogv file? I have no experience with .ogv but maybe you could create an ultra-short .ogv (black screen/no audio/few miliseconds) that you could spawn to "reset" the function after bis_fnc_customGPSvideo_videoStopped = true and then re-spawn when needed with the regular file you need. Maybe worth a shot.

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If you run another file it just plays over the first. My only other thought would be a silent video and play the sound separately.

Then again if it continues where it is left off when you call it again it still won't look right.

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I know that a similar command of cutText is used in the actual function file but may try:

19 cutRsc ["", "plain"];

It's a long shot.

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Yes, I have already tried overwriting. Overwritting one video with another is not perfect solution, but will do the job in it's way. Of course the engine still "remember" the file that was launched in the first place. So when you want to launch that video again, while it's still playing in the background, it will pops up and continue. Unless I make 2 identical videos and give them 2 different names. Then when I spawn the second one, it will overwrite the first one indeed.

I am using .ogv files, yes.

Thanks for helping me guys. If someone else have other ideas, I'll be pleased.


19 cutRsc ["", "plain"];

I'll try that tommorrow, thanks.

Edited by OLO

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Is there any decent info regarding this BIS_fnc_customGPSvideo

Wiki seems very sparse to say the least, and can't find anything on the forum search.

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@Koni: Not that I can find. I have opened up the .sqf but there is not much more there to ingest than is in the wiki. Basically it it creates a cutRsc in the GPS layer, plays it, wait until it finishes, and then exits as far as I can tell.

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Yeah, that's all I could gleam from the wiki, just didn't know if there was more somewhere that explained how to make your own GPS scenes to play etc.

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