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Surviving a 50.cal Shot at 2300m

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If you use a bullet camera script, you can see that bullets do pass through people on some occasions, but they usually come out at strange angles. I have never been able to hit two people.

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I have a video here where you can see some bullet penetration in vehicles and deflected shoots. But I dont know if it works in Arma 2 vanilla... in the video im using ACE2


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Nothing ACE2 about it. The M107 can shoot through stone walls in the fields. Many buildings are inappropriately configured, however, making their corners impervious.

And I'm pretty sure 12.7mm rounds will go through most urban brick perimeter walls in the game, although with enormous changes of direction.

Edited by maturin

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As far as I know there have been kills made through brick walls using the M82 (which is basically an older variant of the M107).

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2400 meters is extreme long range shooting, even for a .50 BMG round. A 647 grain match grade bullet will be traveling at 650fps at that range. The ballistics of the impact are not what you might think...that's only 639 ft.-lb. of energy. That's reduced from the 13,144 ft.lb. of energy it starts with!!

This would be close to a 55 grain 5.56mm round at 250 meters or a 200 grain .44 magnum round at 100 yards. Quality body armor would certainly be able to stop it.

Hope that helps!

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