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Crashing server.

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I have been trying now for 24 hours(8 hours a day for 3 days) to create a server for the rts-map campaigneveron version 0.97.

the game crashes at random when it has started(ie when we are playing),

when i used it through gamespy i sometimes got the "aphex" warning.

at other times it just jumps out to windows.

i have also recieved a ddhelp error at times crashing the whole system.

i use 1.46(bought gold edition) without any special addons, on a win98 os.

pentium3 700

256 mb ram

geforce 2 gts 32 mb.

soundblaster something(lol, Dell computer)

please help us, we love this game, but we cant keep this up for long.

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You'll have to provide more information about your system.

Once thing I can tell you, however, is that DDHELP is the DirectDraw Helper DLL, so the problems are probably related to the video card / video driver / AGP bus / overclocking of the video card.

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hello? i'd really like help to solve this.

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Let's start with this:

1. Are you using the Dedicated or Non-dedicated server?

2. What version of DirectX are you using?

3. What version of the Detonators are you using?

4. Are you doing any overclocking of the CPU or video card?

5. If you are using the non-dedicated server, what video settings are you using?

6. What is the size of your swap file?

7. What OS do you have?

8. Have you applied any Service Packs or Hotfixes from Microsoft?

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as i said i use 98

this swap file, is this same as virtual memory?

if so what should that be?

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Yes, the swap file and virtual memory are the same thing. You should set the maximum swap file size to no less than 512MB, better yet 768MB.

Are you running into any problems hosting other maps? What version of OFP are you using?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Botjer @ May 31 2002,00:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have been trying now for 24 hours(8 hours a day for 3 days) to create a server for the rts-map campaigneveron version 0.97.


i use 1.46(bought gold edition) without any special addons,<span id='postcolor'>

Are you trying to create a dedicated server? If yes, I suggest you to use 1.49 beta instead, as it is much more stable.

Check topmost topics in Multiplayer forum for more information.

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hmmm, ive changed the swapfile, from windowsconfigured to minimum 256 and maximum 3000.

im trying to set up a nondedicated server.

im gonna try it today and see what happens, might that the abundance of units and troops in an rts map might be making my comp crash...

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