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Multi-turreted vehicles?

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Hello, I'm new to OFP modding.

Is it possible to make a tank that would have two functional turrets?

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Not in OFP.

Closest you can get is an independant rotating commanders turret, but it can not have any weapons.

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Well [APS]Gnat and Footmuch achieved multi-turreted vehicles. But they did it in a work-around style by making the turret as a new vehicle, aligned to 'main' vehicle, which position is updated by scripts. It works in SP but can terribly lag in MP.

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Would it also lag on a slow computer? Did they make any mods using these scripts?

Edited by Zxxxrhs

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Well, depends on what you know as slow computer. :p

I have ooold Athlon 1800+ (circa 1500 MHz), 512 MB RAM with GF 4200 128 MB and I can use this Tu-22 without problems.

To be honest, word lag is not what I really meant. It's not really lag, but in MP turret of this Backfire can fly slower than bomber - it appears few meters after the plane.

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To be honest, word lag is not what I really meant. It's not really lag, but in MP turret of this Backfire can fly slower than bomber - it appears few meters after the plane.

But that's exactly what lag is.

Would it also lag on a slow computer?

The multiplayer behaviour has nothing to do with how it performs in single player. If you can run OFP itself fine, then you shouldn't have problems with a simple script that only constantly updates the position of an object.

However, such scripts aren't visually perfect, as the setPos command doesn't take into account how the vehicle is aligned. If the vehicle steers into either side for example, then the other turret will be seperated from the vehicle.

Edited by Rellikki

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There are things that I wanted in OFP, like this, or binoculars when turning out in vehicles, or adjustable sights in tanks, etc.

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