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Looking For Two Missions

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Hello there! I'm looking for two missions. One needs to be dynamic (changes every time), similar to CO20 TFOR, but single player oriented instead.

The other is simply the most complete, bug-free Warfare mission. Again I like to play solo or with a few friends, so I must host locally, not on a server someplace. What's a good Warfare gametype for single player (playing by myself in a local server)?

I've been away from ArmA and the community for a while now and I'd like some good missions to enjoy since I'm back. :) Thank you all.

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Hello sir,

Try Cipher (One shot theme but dynamic per play with options):


Flashpoint missions (search as there are a few for each map) this is a mission where you can setup large battles in moments with menu options, team switch, all kinds of options, great for testing sound mods too etc.


Also a kind of game play type for SP which are perfection are all the "Seize Zones" missions, search again as there are about 4 or so for each map with different types (get these for SP without thinking, they are a great time waster/spender :) :


And The Forgotten Few (with a real nice team management & selection feature like Ghost Recon):


Advancing Power




These are the ones that tick the SP dynamic box :) Warfare I have not really got into as mainly MP so cant suggest a solid one, but you have a few, maybe go over to armaholics mission section :


Most of the links I gave are in the SP section, esp the multiple versions of Seize Zones & Flashpoint.

EDIT: Benny's warfare seems to be a big favourite ref Warfare:


Other things:

Remake Of Ghost Recon Island Thunder missions (great):


Most recent of all is an RTS mode game Window Of Opportunity (this is a special bit of mission/mod making which I hope get updated more & more) :


Edited by mrcash2009

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Very concise response there Mr.Cash

to which i can also refer other people.


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No problem.

Its quite fragmented and some places dont list as mission type/style which would be good.

Im a sucker for dynamic type missions, so ive been sniffing them out for a while :)

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What's a good Warfare gametype for single player (playing by myself in a local server)?

Im a sucker for dynamic type missions, so ive been sniffing them out for a while.

Same here, I love having a randomly generated mission every time I play. Keeps things fresh! Thanks for the link to Cipher. I played the original Cipher mission so much but I was unaware there was a version out for OA. Too bad it's kinda buggy compared to the original.

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I cant speak for warfare in MP but for SP (and also a template to edit how you wish) you might want to check out in the editor this mission:


LK Warfare. Ive used this and stretched it into a whole map warfare for single play, I thought I would link it just because you can edit it and mess around, configs have the warfare variables to change amounts/you can change units (although if you dont stick to BIS defaults no unit reinforcements will recruit)/AI start yes no ... etc etc.

Depends if you wanted a spoon fed mission or some playtime :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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I don't know any kind of scripting. Can I still use that? If I have to do a little set-up before the mission that's fine, but I don't want to be forced into creating a whole mission myself.

Maybe I just have to stick to the standard BIS Warfare. That seems to be to the only one with working AI and a (barely) full feature list.

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