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How to turn a civilian helicopter to hostile?

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I need a civ helo to turn INDEPENDENT after passing a certain waypoint, so that OPFOR will consider it hostile. What should I type into the waypoint "on activation" box? The chopper is called hip1

This doesn't work:

{_x setside INDEPENDENT;} foreach crew hip1

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you can just make the crew join a enemy side group.

make sure you have a enemy side unit placed somewhere before this or have side center:

place directly in any waypoint.

groupIndependent = createGroup resistance;
{[_x] joinSilent groupIndependent} foreach crew (vehicle _this);

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Is it possible to do this without the helicopter joining another group?

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Use a resistance pilot and setCaptive before the wp and change it after the wp.

Or you can just make them enemy to everyone with this:

place in wp:

{_x [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addRating"]addRating [/url]-99999} foreach crew (vehicle _this);

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Joining a newly created group that belongs to the appropriate side is exactly what you would want the fictional setSide command to do, so why are you wishing to avoid that solution?

You could make the whole group join by using:

_indGroup = createGroup RESISTANCE;
(units group driver helicoter) joinSilent _indGroup;

Alternatively, afaik, if you add weapons to civilians they become independent automatically, but you'll have to test it to make sure it works the way you'd expect it to.

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