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[?] Ubuntu 10.04 & ArmA2:OA

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We're trying to set up an Operation Arrowhead (Combined Ops) ArmA 2 server on Ubuntu, and the instructions on how to do so for Linux are slightly sketchy on certain details.

Several questions:

1. Do we have to have all of the A2/OA game files on the server, and how does this work with Combined Ops? Will just OA files be okay?

2. If so, how is the file structure determined?

3. Additionally, if so, is there any easy way to obtain them? Uploading 15gigs is unrealistic.

4. Does the server require it's own license key?

Edited by Startrekern

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1. every pbo needed

2. same as on the client

3. as a fellow server admin for a server to server transfer. otherwise no problem uploading it even with DSL

4. no

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So I need JUST the PBOs (i.e. the addons folder), not the rest of the stuff?

Edited by Startrekern

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Well the rest too basically. Aka bi2.bikey, exe and its files.

BIsign files are not, but they are very small anyway. That's all then, right?

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=> install the whole game (vanilla&OA) on windows

=> patch the game to what ever (current 1.59)

=> make a copie from the whole game (backup is good everytime)

=> create a txt file into the arma folder with "patched 1.59 or whatever" for overview only

=> structure into the main dir must be: (rest you can delete - not needed on linux)

- AddOns

- Common

- Dta

- Expansion *!

- Keys

- Missions

- MPmissions

*! = here is very important to lower case the name manually before using the install script! - the script from BIS works bad with this folder and create a new one! additional you can remove into the expansion dir the whole dir "BattlEye" and the file "ijl15.dll" both are not needed on linux and the arma-serverinstaller create a new one and load the right files for linux.

thats all prework to make the gamefiles ready for linux.

Attantion: if your linux a 64bit version then install the ia32-libs and gcc compiler first!

load up this shit install the arma-linuxserverfiles and have fun :)

(if you plan to load up the ~ 15gb then zip the files and split it to ~ 4gb peaces, this prevents many trouble with possible con-lost or checksum)



Edited by Riffler

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