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Crazed Killa

An aircraft carrier

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This might be a cool addon to use to land helicopters on and protect beaches from opposing aircraft forces.

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whut they should do is have lha's and lhd's, not excatly air craft carriers, but they have harriers, helos, and ospery's. They also carry (with in the ship) lcas(hovercrafts that carry tanks n' junk) a amphibouse tanks, and some really kewl boats.

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srry ofpsounds I just got carried away and saw that I had fiulled the whole page up and I thought that it was kinda cool. I did search the forum for things about an aircraft carrier I searched up to page like 7 I wasn't gonna keep looking so I just posted this 1.

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Too bad the forum only keeps the threads that are a month old, cause there were lots of threads on this subject.  Besides, look at the area of water around these islands, it's not enough space for an aircraft carrier to stay.  It could stay there, but s**t, it might get mortared or sniped from shore, that's why they stay like 100km away from land, away  from land based weapon range.

-=Die Alive=-

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*Bursts into tears*

You are playing as the East. You are rolling along in your T-80, fearing nothing short of an Abrams, when suddenly you explode.

You respawn, and get in another T-80 and find out a Cobra nailed you with a few TOW's, killing you in the process. Your gunner gets lucky, and nails the pilot with machine gun fire, killing him, and thus elimintating the helicopter.

So you go rolling along again, and take out a few M-60's and infantry. ####, you even take out some Chinook with a well placed sabot round. Strangely, the Chinook was flying inland from the ocean.

You die again, and respawn. This time, you find out another Cobra did you in. Where are they coming from? How do they have so many choppers? Well, its obvious! The enemy has an aircraft carrier, making them unreachable to all but aircraft, and the carrier's choppers can take those down easy.

See how a carrier might unbalance things?

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If there are ANY big boats in this game it will be landing craft for;

Tanks, and heavy units.

That is so needed, because it will add to the realism and quality of gameplay by giving missions with tank landings of Heavy Cargo Ships (like that russian 'Ivan' thing)

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And Cargo Ships would rock simply because we know the Guys can make them.

If they can have a game with people inside choppers and other units...then they can have;

People inside a tank, who are inside another unit.

Unless?confused.gif? this might be that conflict? no cargo ships because you cant have more than ONE LAYER of units...

This is the same thing as no External Machine guns on tanks...because the game cannot fire more than one at a time.

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and what would a carrier be doing that close to shore all by itself? unless you want to add a whole battlegroup

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Aaron Kane on 5:31 am on Nov. 16, 2001

 *Bursts into tears*


  You are playing as the East.  You are rolling along in your T-80, fearing nothing short of an Abrams, when suddenly you explode.  

  You respawn, and get in another T-80 and find out a Cobra nailed you with a few TOW's, killing you in the process.  Your gunner gets lucky, and nails the pilot with machine gun fire, killing him, and thus elimintating the helicopter.

  So you go rolling along again, and take out a few M-60's and infantry.  ####, you even take out some Chinook with a well placed sabot round.  Strangely, the Chinook was flying inland from the ocean.  

  You die again, and respawn.  This time, you find out another Cobra did you in.  Where are they coming from?  How do they have so many choppers?  Well, its obvious!  The enemy has an aircraft carrier, making them unreachable to all but aircraft, and the carrier's choppers can take those down easy.

      See how a carrier might unbalance things?

<span id='postcolor'>

I see no difference between an"aircraft carrier" the size of an LHA, etc., when there each exist on Malden and Everon two permanent "aircraft carriers", that of the airfield on each island.

As for me, I should like to see a stable launching platform just for my helos, not fixed wing assets; a "gator freighter" will do nicely.

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Great, a ship as large as and entire island. What comes next confused.gif - Typhoon-class-submarines with 40 nuclear warheads confused.gif?

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yeah that would be cool so you really could do a Pearl Harbor mission or a sea transport!

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lol, where should a carrier fit on the maps, during the launch process of your plane you will have already overshoot any of the islands.

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i still wana see a C-130 spectre or just at least a regular C-130, and just to ballance it out we can give the east a similar plane, but im not sure exactly that they have that would be evenly matched

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