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Weapon Config issues

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Ok so im working on my first weapon addon, never tried them untill now, ive got 2 weapons from the SFP mod (with permissions) and am trying to modify the config to what i need, however it keeps spitting out errors if i try to run the game with it. I suck pretty bad at configs so be kind if its something easy haha, any help at all would be great.

class CfgPatches {

	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {"sfp_ksp90b", "sfp_ksp90b_aim", "sfp_ksp58d"};
	requiredVersion = 1.000000;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAWheeled2", "CACharacters2", "CAWeapons", "CAWeapons", "Extended_EventHandlers"};
/*extern*/ class Mode_SemiAuto;
/*extern*/ class Mode_Burst;
/*extern*/ class Mode_FullAuto;

class CfgWeapons {

/*extern*/ class M249;

class sfp_ksp90b: M249 {
	displayName[] = "$STR_WPN_SFP_KSP90B";
	dexterity[] = 1.400000;
	scope[] = 2;
	model[] = "\CTB_Wep\sfp_ksp90b";
	picture[] = "\CTB_Wep\gui\inv\weapons\ksp90b_ca.paa";

	class manual: Mode_FullAuto {
		begin1[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp90_fire.wss", 1.778280, 1, 2000};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.500000};
		reloadTime[] = 0.070000;
		recoil[] = "recoil_auto_machinegun_6outof10";
		recoilProne[] = "recoil_auto_machinegun_prone_4outof10";
		dispersion[] = 0.001500;
		soundContinuous[] = 0;
		soundBurst[] = 0;
		minRange[] = 0;
		minRangeProbab[] = 0.300000;
		midRange[] = 5;
		midRangeProbab[] = 0.580000;
		maxRange[] = 10;
		maxRangeProbab[] = 0.040000;
		showToPlayer[] = 1;
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp90_reload.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 20};


class sfp_ksp90b_aim: sfp_ksp90b {
	displayName[] = "$STR_WPN_SFP_KSP90B_AIM";
	model[] = "\CTB_Wep\sfp_ksp90b_aim";
	picture[] = "\CTB_Wep\gui\inv\weapons\ksp90b_3x_ca.paa";
/*extern*/ class m240;

class sfp_ksp58d: m240 {
	scope[] = 2;
	displayName[] = "$STR_WPN_SFP_KSP58D";
	model[] = "\CTB_Wep\sfp_ksp58d";
	picture[] = "\CTB_Wep\gui\inv\weapons\ksp58d_ca.paa";

	class manual: Mode_FullAuto {
		begin1[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp58_fire.wss", 2.500000, 1, 3000};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.500000};
		recoil[] = "recoil_auto_machinegun_8outof10";
		recoilProne[] = "recoil_auto_machinegun_prone_5outof10";
		dispersion[] = 0.000800;
		soundContinuous[] = 0;
		soundBurst[] = 0;
		minRange[] = 0;
		minRangeProbab[] = 0.300000;
		midRange[] = 5;
		midRangeProbab[] = 0.580000;
		maxRange[] = 10;
		maxRangeProbab[] = 0.040000;
		showToPlayer[] = 1;
		reloadTime[] = 0.070876;
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp58_reload.wss", 0.056234, 1, 20};



Again sorry if its something simple, and if things are a bit messy :o



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Could you give us the Errors Mate?

Otherwise its Kinda Hard, but just with a Glace over it dosnt look like theirs any Horrible Errors in their

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class CfgPatches
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {"YourTag_ksp90b","YourTag_ksp90b_aim","YourTag_ksp58d"};
	requiredVersion = 1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAWheeled2","CACharacters2","CAWeapons"};
class Mode_SemiAuto;
class Mode_Burst;
class Mode_FullAuto;
class CfgWeapons

class M249;
class YourTag_ksp90b: M249
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "$STR_WPN_SFP_KSP90B";//TODO
	dexterity = 1.4;
	model = "\CTB_Wep\sfp_ksp90b";
	picture = "\CTB_Wep\gui\inv\weapons\ksp90b_ca.paa";
	class manual: Mode_FullAuto
		begin1[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp90_fire.wss",1.77828,1,2000};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.5};
		reloadTime = 0.07;
		recoil = "recoil_auto_machinegun_6outof10";
		recoilProne = "recoil_auto_machinegun_prone_4outof10";
		dispersion = 0.0015;
		soundContinuous = 0;
		soundBurst = 0;
		minRange = 0;
		minRangeProbab = 0.3;
		midRange = 5;
		midRangeProbab = 0.58;
		maxRange = 10;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		showToPlayer = 1;
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp90_reload.ogg",0.056234,1,20};
class YourTag_ksp90b_aim: YourTag_ksp90b
	displayName = "$STR_WPN_SFP_KSP90B_AIM";//TODO
	model = "\CTB_Wep\sfp_ksp90b_aim";
	picture = "\CTB_Wep\gui\inv\weapons\ksp90b_3x_ca.paa";
class m240;
class YourTag_ksp58d: m240
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "$STR_WPN_SFP_KSP58D";//TODO
	model = "\CTB_Wep\sfp_ksp58d";
	picture = "\CTB_Wep\gui\inv\weapons\ksp58d_ca.paa";
	class manual: Mode_FullAuto
		begin1[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp58_fire.wss",2.5,1,3000};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.5};
		recoil = "recoil_auto_machinegun_8outof10";
		recoilProne = "recoil_auto_machinegun_prone_5outof10";
		dispersion = 0.0008;
		soundContinuous = 0;
		soundBurst = 0;
		minRange = 0;
		minRangeProbab = 0.3;
		midRange = 5;
		midRangeProbab = 0.58;
		maxRange = 10;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
		showToPlayer = 1;
		reloadTime = 0.070876;
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\CTB_Wep\sounds\weap\ksp58_reload.wss",0.056234,1,20};

Probably you still have to fix file and folder names/remove references to non existent files (ie sounds/pictures).

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