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Medvidek, why did you close the sound mod thread?

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Why has the thread been closed?

1) it was in the correct forum section

2) it didn´t contain anything insulting, nor anything conflicting with the forum rules.

Waiting for an explanation, because there is absolutely no reason for doing such thing!

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There are already a thread on this. Not that I care about that, lets hog the forum untill we get an answer.

Btw, to all BIS: If you give us the SDK/model toolkit we might forgive you. No? Darn.

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Probaly jealousy.

Its the sound wich makes the game more realistic.

And i'm getting sick of BIS's piece of s**t sound .

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hey BI that really sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!

BI is only jelous !!!!

BI ply support the community , or OFP will die for EVER !

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heh, shhh, youll get this thread closed.

theyll probably rip the sounds in satchells mod, and release them as an official pack, taking all the credit, like they reworked the command guide, which was done by lustypooh in the first place, so why do we need another one?

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Oh my , i was just looking for the sound mod thread.

It was probably closed because we are not suposed to be making stuff for the game yet....

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waiiiiiit a sec....if they claim we get the SDK only when we need it and are past scripting.....and they hold up scripts.......



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Satchel, I hope that you aren't discouraged and will continue to work on the sound mod. You are probably aware of one of OFP's main editing sites, but just incase here is the link...


I hope that go along and sign up to their forums as they have loads of dedicated and helpful users ( not that this forum doesn't smile.gif )

The only reason I can think of why BIS closed the topic was because it had reached 10 pages in length. As you mentioned before - they haven't closed the topic regarding Jim's mod.

I may be wrong, but if you consider that the majority of topics that last in excess of 9 or 10 pages, inevitably veer way off topic you can see why they closed it...

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