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Is it possible to put a waypoint in a positioned house?

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I'm sorry if this question has been asked already but I've looked and cannot find a thread for this. So my question is: Is it possible to place a waypoint in a building that you have placed yourself through the mission editor? for example: I got "Dren's Map editorupdate" and I want to place a house from "empty" to the map. Then I ID the house through this code:

house1 = nearestObject [getpos this, 123456]

naming the house: "house1". But now I want a unit to go to a specific position in that building through a waypoint, is it possible to set a waypoint to that house?

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I'm sorry I haven't been on but I have been busy lately with some personal matters, anyways when I downloaded your demo mission, I noticed alot of scripts which I am unfamiliar with, could you kindly dumb it down for me? :P hehe how would I place a waypoint inside a building I placed on the map through the mission editor?

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Do you mean the waypoint was placed in the editor or the building was placed on the map? Nm, I can read.

Since you placed the building you can give it a name, like myHouse. Then place a MOVE waypoint near the house and in the waypoint's onAct put something like this:

walker doMove (myHouse buildingPos 2);

The guy will walk to the building via the waypoint, then enter the building via the doMove.

Here's a demo mission showing this, no scripts. :)

Edited by kylania

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Grizzle's module is linked, by me even heh, in that thread OP linked. :)

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