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Addaction and [] call

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Sorry Another MP issue, not sure ill ever get my head around MP!

This all works great when testing, but as soon as i put it on my hosted server i get no mission.

Civi unit

this addAction ["Random Mission!", "getamission.sqf"]


[] call SHK_addmission;

in my INI

if isserver then {
SHK_addmission = {
 if isserver then {
   if (count SHK_missions == 0) then {
player sideChat "Opps Sorry But I have no Intel for you come back next week";
   } else {
     _this spawn {
       private "_t1";
       if (count _this > 0) then {
         _t1 = _this select 0;
       } else {
         _t1 = SHK_missions select (floor random count SHK_missions);
       SHK_missions = SHK_missions - [_t1];
       switch _t1 do {
case 0: {
   		nul = [] execVM "missions\1.sqf";
   	case 1: {
    		nul = [] execVM "missions\2.sqf";
   	case 2: { 
 		 nul = [] execVM "missions\3.sqf";
   	case 3: {
   		 nul = [] execVM "missions\4sqf";
private "_selectedmission";
missionCount= 4 ;//paramsarray select 4;
_selectedmission = paramsarray select 5;
if isserver then {
 private ["_temp1","_t1"];
 _temp1 = [0,1,2,3];
 SHK_missions = [];
 for "_i" from 0 to (missionCount - 1) do {
   _t1 = _temp1 select (floor random count _temp1);
   SHK_missions set [_i,_t1];
   _temp1 = _temp1 - [_t1];
 // first task
 if (_selectedmission < 99) then {
   [_selectedmission] call SHK_addmission;
 } else {
   [] call SHK_addmission;

If i place

[] call SHK_addmission;  

in a radio trigger and test on MP it all works great !

So I presume it is something to do with the addaction ?

Why o Why can things not be easy :confused:

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How about,


bob =[]call SHK_addmission;

I believe you need a handle. "bob" is the handle.

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Actions only run for the player who activated them. See all those isServer checks? That means that it will not work on a dedicated and only for the host on a hosted server - since isServer return false for all other 'actioneers'. That means the non-server players never know what SHK_addmission is.

You have a typo in the .sqf extension in mission 4. Also you can get rid of the switch so you don't have to add every mission manually:

_missionName = format ["mission%1.sqf", _t1 + 1];

Then your addmission becomes:

SHK_addmission = {
   if (isServer) then {
       if (count SHK_missions == 0) then {
           player sideChat "Opps Sorry But I have no Intel for you come back next week";
       } else {
           _this spawn {
               private "_t1";
               if (count _this > 0) then {
                 _t1 = _this select 0;
               } else {
                 _t1 = SHK_missions select (floor random count SHK_missions);
               SHK_missions = SHK_missions - [_t1];
               _missionName = format ["missions\%1.sqf", _t1+1];
               [] execVM _missionName;

Then your init.sqf becomes:

SHK_addmission = {
   if (isServer) then {
       if (count SHK_missions == 0) then {
           player sideChat "Opps Sorry But I have no Intel for you come back next week";
       } else {
           _this spawn {
               private "_t1";
               if (count _this > 0) then {
                 _t1 = _this select 0;
               } else {
                 _t1 = SHK_missions select (floor random count SHK_missions);
               SHK_missions = SHK_missions - [_t1];
               _missionName = format ["missions\%1.sqf", _t1+1];
               [] execVM _missionName;

private "_selectedmission";
missionCount= 4 ;//paramsarray select 4;
_selectedmission = paramsarray select 5;
if isserver then {
   private ["_temp1","_t1"];
   _temp1 = [0,1,2,3];
   SHK_missions = [];
   for "_i" from 0 to (missionCount - 1) do {
   _t1 = _temp1 select (floor random count _temp1);
   SHK_missions set [_i,_t1];
   _temp1 = _temp1 - [_t1];
   // first task
   if (_selectedmission < 99) then {
       [_selectedmission] call SHK_addmission;
   } else {
       [] call SHK_addmission;

The SHK_addmission have been moved out of an isServer so all the players can use it. There is still a problem though. Only the server knows SHK_missions and SHK_addmission relies on that, which means that non-server players will still not be able to start a mission.

You have two solutions I can think of

Everytime missions changes - publicVariable SHK_missions so the players can start a mission.

Keep the mission starting and stuff on the server only - and simply tell the server to start a new mission when a player uses the action.

I'll recommend the second approach. If you use CBA I can come up with a solution that works that way if you'd like?

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Ahhh that would be why, as it is on a deli hosted server so no one is getting anything!

Yes we all use CBA - so if you could that would be really really great!

Basically what I am trying to do is go up to a civi get the action and he give us a new mission, but I do not want him to repeat the same mission again. And take the addaction off for a while to stop generating all the mission at the same time :)

mant thanks !

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We'll use the CBA event system: http://dev-heaven.net/docs/cba/files/events/fnc_globalEvent-sqf.html . This provides a nice way to solve these MP message sending.

On the server we register an event for a new mission. Whenever any player uses the action we trigger the event. Your init.sqf is almost unchanged, with only a small addition at the top. I also added a few comments:

//Keep all the mission handling serverside
if (isServer) then {

   //Add the new mission request handling
   ["new_mission", {
       //Just pick a random mission
       [] call SHK_addmission;
   }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

   //The new mission script (function)
   SHK_addmission = {
       if (isServer) then {
           if (count SHK_missions == 0) then {
               player sideChat "Opps Sorry But I have no Intel for you come back next week";
           } else {
               _this spawn {
                   private ["_t1","_missionName"];
                   if (count _this > 0) then {
                     _t1 = _this select 0;
                   } else {
                     _t1 = SHK_missions select (floor random count SHK_missions);
                   SHK_missions = SHK_missions - [_t1];
                   _missionName = format ["missions\%1.sqf", _t1+1];
                   [] execVM _missionName;

   //Generate the mission list and select a first mission
   private ["_selectedmission"];
   //Do you use this elsewhere ? Else you can '_' before it!
   missionCount = 4 ; //paramsarray select 4;
   _selectedmission = paramsarray select 5;
   if (isServer) then {
       private ["_temp1","_t1"];
       _temp1 = [0,1,2,3];
       SHK_missions = [];
       for "_i" from 0 to (missionCount - 1) do {
       _t1 = _temp1 select (floor random count _temp1);
       SHK_missions set [_i,_t1];
       _temp1 = _temp1 - [_t1];
       // first task
       if (_selectedmission < 99) then {
           [_selectedmission] call SHK_addmission;
       } else {
           [] call SHK_addmission;

We register the 'newmission' event, and when that is triggered we call the SHK_addmission to select a new mission. When you want this event to trigger you call it like this:

//Why not *_remoteEvent ? - Well the player might also be a server, a hosted server
["new_mission", []] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;

And that's it.

You can also use event like this to remove the action instead of the trigger solution in the other thread. In your init (not in a isServer check !!!) do this, (assumed your CIV is named MyCiv and you saved the action in MyCivAction):

["remove_action", {
   if (!isNil "MyCivAction") then {
       MyCiv removeAction MyCivAction;
       MyCivAction = nil; 
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

Then your action sqf might look like this in total:

//Remove the action
["remove_action", []] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
//Why not *_removeEvent ? - Well the player might also be a server, a hosted server
["new_mission", []] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;

And you can add another event to tell players to put the action back on, and activate that from the server:

["add_action", {
   if (isNil "MyCivAction") then {
      MyCivAction = MyCiv addAction ["MyActionName", "MyScript.sqf"];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

I only tested the first part - the new mission part, and not the remove/add-Action parts. However, unless there is a typo, it should work.

Edited by Muzzleflash

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WOW many many thanks

Just so I completely understand:-

once i change my INI - then


this addAction ["Random Mission!", "getamission.sqf"]


["new_mission", []] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;  

Ill give it a test as soon as i get home :) then work on the remove bit !

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Yup that should do it. Let me know if you run into problems.

For other future MP issues remember you can pass parameters to the event too:

["myHint", {_msg = _this select 0; hint _msg;}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;


["myHint", ["Everybody will see this hint, not just the local player"]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;

Although you should use rHint in the MP framework if all you want to do is hint.

Happy scripting :)

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