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plz hepl my

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hello !! instal the arma 2 and play olny to CD !!! and cant play on line!! all server say bad version regent conecion!! whay this?? plz eny help m i have rong in istalesion cd?? plz help

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sory for my language am from grecce very sory .what patching need 1.59?

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If you have only arma 2 you need patch v1.09 [or maybe the last 1.10 but first install 1.09 and chceck mp, if you can play in multi you dont have to install v1.10]

If you have only Operation Arrowhead or Combined operations [arma 2 + op. Arrowhead] you need patch v1.59

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i have arma op. arrowhead , it is ok instal v1.59 tnx for help guys.:)

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