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FPS lag despite supposedly meeting all requirements?

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Hello, I cant quite figure this out but I used the website '' can you run it '' and saw my results for Arma2. Here they are.


Direct link: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5/arma2system.png/

Despite supposedly being past the recommended specs, I have a large amount of FPS lag. My settings are shown below.


Direct link: http://postimage.org/image/29bsmw3z8/

So tell me, are one of my settings wrong? I really don't understand how this could happen if I meet the system requirements.

Note: I will only be able to come back to read any replies in an hour, I appreaciate all help but please try to refrain from asking questions as i wont be back for a while.

Edited by Leo15

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Is there anything running in he background that might reduce your performance?

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If the noted GPU (GeForce 315) is correct then the website is utterly wrong. The GeForce 315 is a low budget graphic card and ArmA 2 is a high demanding game. Also the detected VRAM of 2.2GB is hilarious is it is obviously "shared memory" and not designed for the needs of such demanding games.

I guess putting the ingame settings to "low" or even "very low" will give you playable FPS.

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indeed, the 315 is a 220 rebrand. look in the link in my sig and see how it ranks compared to the recommended cards.

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I3 cpu is a whimp (it meets speed reqs but just can't handle the volume of data the game needs it to crunch) and your video card is really whimpy (an old 8800gtx will smoke that card all day long). Also you have your texture detail set to high... get that to normal, even with top of the line system it is really resource intensive to have textures set to high. Also try setting object detail to low. Also, always keep your resolution setting the same. You will notice a differance in FPS with even a slightly lower overall resolution setting, just make sure both resolution setting are the same.

Arma is not like other games... It's very CPU demanding (VERY!) It's also needs a very fast HHD. You don't need the newest video card, just a good one. Look for how many proccesing core the card has! A decent card for Arma2OA will have at least 200+ proccesing cores. Nvidia 260 core 216 had 216 proccesing cores, standard 260 had under 200 cores and it was a huge diff in game play and FPS.

Hope this helps.

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In the meantime set your monitor and video card to the monitors "natural" setting (sound like a broken record don't I) find it by searching for your monitors model number with the word "natural" after it. This will give you your optimal video settings. Turn off anti Aliasing and set post processing down to minimum or turn it off too. You can set other video setting lower also if you don't see improvement.

Make sure you have all un-necessary processes off ( auto updates, qttasks and other things you dont need running). From start menu click run and type in msconfig and hit enter. Research what you have listed under services and startup to see what you can turn off safely.

Good luck

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