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How to make a unit lay down wounded and in pain?

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Forgive me if I write wrong. I'm not very well know English and unfortunately have long sought to establish where this topic.

I want to learn how you can make in redaktare so that when you hit a player on the enemy's bullets, he umeral, and lay on the ground and writhed in pain. Just like it did in the campaign.

Sorry for my poor knowledge of English.

Edited by Foxhound
Lets stick to English, title changed to reflect the question, topic moved to correct section

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You're looking for the First Aid Simulation Module.

Edited by Foxhound
Please stick to English only! Keep the forums readable for everyone!

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Sorry, I do not to understand) Because I dobitsya this effect?

In case of contact lie down and writhe in pain, while not dying.

---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------


That's what I want to do in the editor, please explain how.


Edited by Zipper5

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As Maturin said, the First Aid Simulation module is what you need. Action and Battlefield Clearance can also be used.

Simply place a unit and synchronize the unit to the module. The unit will then fall and writhe in pain until a medic heals him.

Using JUST First Aid Simulation however won't add the dragging or carrying actions to teammates. For that you will need Action or Battlefield Clearance (Never was sure which did what, so I just use all three). These modules work the same way as First Aid simulation, simply synchronize to the units.

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