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does ctrlSetStructuredText work in ArmA 2 OA ?

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I tested ctrlSetStructuredText command on a Structured text type of control and it didn't work :

description.ext declaration:

		x = _BODY_X_;
		y = _BODY_Y_ + 11 * _H_;
		w = 3 * _W_ - _DW_;
		h = 4 * _H_ - _DH_;

		text = "structured <br/><t color='#ffff00' shadow='2' shadowColor='#ff0000' underline='true' align='center' valign='bottom' font='LucidaConsoleB' size='1.5'>text</t><br/><img size='1.5' image='\ca\ui\data\iconmotorbike_ca.paa'/>";
		colorBackground[] = {_COLHPP_STA_BG_, 0};

		class Attributes
			color = "#00FF00";
			align = "left";
			valign = "middle";

The above code display text formatted as expected. But when I use ctrlSetStructuredText it does not even change the control's text.

The following piece of SQF code doesn't do anything :

ctrlSetText [_IDC_DEX_0_STX_STXEXAMPLE_, "hello"];


findDisplay _IDD_DIAG_OPTIONS_ displayCtrl _IDC_DEX_0_STX_STXEXAMPLE_ ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "hello";

Is this a bug or did I miss anything ?


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This works for me:

[] spawn {
waitUntil {player == player};
cutRsc ["MyRscTitle","PLAIN"];
_disp = uiNamespace getVariable "d_MyRscTitle";
while {true} do {
	_msg = "<t color='#00ff00'>" + "Welcome "+"</t>";
	_msg = _msg + "<t color='#ffff00'>" + format["%1",name player]+ "</t>" + "<br/>";
	_msg = _msg + "<t color='#000000'>" + "Time left:"+"</t>";
	_msg = _msg + "<t color='#ff0000'>" + format ["%1",100 - floor time max 0];
	(_disp displayCtrl 301) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _msg;
//... lots of stuff not needed to show here...
	sleep 0.123;

So yeah, the command works at least.

Note that I was never lucky trying to use the ctrlSetText [idc, text] format. Only idc ctrlSetText text works. Also note that every time I try to use structuredText, I end up messing around for ages before it actually works, and I never understand what the problem was. Finally, try obtaining idd from onLoad code rather than messing with findDisplay and static idds. Something I remember from earlier is that I could never get variables to work with idds, I had to use hardcoded numbers rather than variables, and it never made sense to me why. Not sure if this is fixed, I quit using static idds long time ago.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Thanks CarlGustaffa

What do you mean by onLoad code ?

I am creating a set of control examples that I will be able to copy/paste later. I am trying to create a rectangle with scrollable text so I am using a "control group" control that has inside a "text" control.

The reason I need structured text is because I noticed (1 year ago) that it wrapped around inside the "control group" while "text" control doesn't. At that time I could set the text using ctrlSetStructuredText, findDisplay and displayCtrl commands.

Maybe I should look into the uinamespace thing

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I found the solution :

When defining the dialog in description.ext do this :

idd = _IDD_OPTIONS_;
movingEnable = true;
onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['myDisplay', (_this select 0)]";

now use this to retrieve the dialog object in SQF script:

uiNamespace getVariable "myDisplay" displayCtrl _IDC_DEX_0_TXT_CGPEXAMPLE_CONTENT_ ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";

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Now that I can set the text value for my structured text control I am encountering another problem:

I have a structured text control with a black background. The background is 3 times higher than the font size defined for this control. Although the valign attribute is set to "middle" I cannot make the text be vertically centered relative to the background.

Anyone succeeded having a vertically centered structured text ?

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I can't get this to work. I need to define some structured text outside of the description file, then show the text inside a dialog box. I have tried that onLoad method and nothing shows up. Can anyone explain how it is done?

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UpUp, I also don't know how to use ctrlSetStructuredText, don't know how to cite right control

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