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Make units enter a EMPTY helicopter

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I'm having this group excisting of CH1, CH2, and my player

want to that the leader (CH1) gives the command to everone to board that chopper (C1) and that the player is a gunner, CH1 pilot, CH2 the other gunner

My chopper is a UH-60

tryed a coppel of things, but I did not get it to work

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use getin waypoint or did you want to not use waypoints?

then use assignAsCargo assignAsDriver etc.

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use getin waypoint or did you want to not use waypoints?

then use assignAsCargo assignAsDriver etc.

I found something with the waypoints (get in) and A1(player) assignAsGunner C1(the copper); [A1] orderGetIn true; so my leader gives me the enter the chopper as gunner so I get in and for some reason he dismounts me and tells me to get back in but I can't enter as gunner again :/

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try placing this in the getin wp on act field:

player action ["moveToGunner", vehicle player] ;

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try placing this in the getin wp on act field:

player action ["moveToGunner", vehicle player] ;

does not work, after running to the get in wp they just run to the next waypoint instead of enter the helo

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{_x moveInCargo heli} foreach units CH1; player moveingunner heli;

where heli is the name of the chopper you want to get into

Its physical instead of a given SL command, but it might work.

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