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Request for help setting up variable\random starting position at mission start

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I have searched, and found two missions(and I opened them up but they are too advanced for me to follow) and an old Thread from ARMA days about grouping your squad leader to an empty marker, but other then that I can't seem to figure out the wording I need to use to find out how to give my players a choice of three insertion points to begin their attack on the enemy fortified towns.

I read the F2 mission frame work as well. Nothing there that I could see.

I remember playing a Mission on Trinity island way back when that had random start zones, and that was interesting as well.

Can any one point me to an existing thread or give me some pointers on how this would be accomplished?

Thanks for any pointers or assistance.


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You actually want to give them a pre-mission choice, a choice at the start of the mission or random of three?

One would be moderately difficult, one more so and one trivial.

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I was thinking during the briefing they could choose what point to attack the area from based on three possible LZ's.

All the enemies are random(and using USPMON), with large distance place-able variable as well with only the objectives being static.

The choice above will give them the illusion of control, with some choice on, i want to come in via the water, the forest or straight down the pipe.

Edit, Beat you Just Barely Grimes.

Okay so it would have to be a parameter then, I am using Lingor as the map and there is such a variety of terrain. Basically the story would be the Chopper is dropping you off and you are humping it in country from your LZ. Again this is to allow the players to PLAN their attack based on their route into the area. The location I have put the objectives in have multiple little towns, a great water front(inhabited by crocodiles) and the group can come in over the top that is basically a really large forested hill, along the road from a "Friendly" town, or on the far side of the map that is basically a beach landing and making their way from little town to little town until they cross the causeway.

Edited by Styxx42

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Answer kylania's question and that'll get the ball rolling.

If as a pre-mission choice, you would define it using a parameter in description.ext (such as 0 = a, 1 = b, 2 = c) then use those cases in a script to put them at the right insertion point. With this you could also use 3 = random or something like that, and make it a random option.

Choice at the start of mission would be a bit silly if you ask me, unless you start at a base and a helicopter takes you to the chosen point or something. Random could be used there as well.

Edit: You ninja'd me. You can't make the choice during the briefing screen (as in before clicking continue), but you can use the parameter idea I said. Sounds like that's what you're looking for.

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Problem with choosing from the briefing is there's no way to do that. You could display possibilities to them, and let them choose once they are in game and move people but JIP would a challenge with that. Doable though.

You can have multiplayer overview images now too right? Maybe show that (where no one looks) before the game starts and use the idea Grimes detailed about using parameters.

Personally I'd do it one of two ways:

1. Random spawn the whole camp at the start. Adds replayability.


2. Start the players at a FOB with no-weapon transport options to get them to the insert areas. Merlin's or MH-6s or MTVR's or something similar. Let them choose and work out the logistics of it at the beginning of the mission. Downside is the players need to think and work as a team. ;)

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kylania you know excatly what I want. NO transports with big guns.

This is to be a raid. Go in with what weapons you take and that is it. No Extras, no reloads.

I have revive at the start point but it is revive with weapons you died with.

I will look at the file you linked. Thanks.

Random will work too.

This is really just something I was wondering about. You see in the movies them planning out their attacks, and they always say. We can go in here, here or here.

I was trying for that, but I also want to keep it simple.

Thanks peeps.

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The unit I'm in currently does all that planning stuff. At first I had a lot of cool mission ideas and cinematic inserts and all that till I was told to just put the enemy on the map and let high command decide how to deal with them. Sometimes I won't even put markers for where they could enter from, leave that up to them. Sometimes I even give incorrect briefing information. That's good times.

Makes for much more difficult mission making since you can't just setup a great ambush and know they'll drive into it, you have to setup as if they are coming from everywhere. :)

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Personally I'd do it one of two ways:

1. Random spawn the whole camp at the start. Adds replayability.

This is a very handy script!

I am trying to also move a marker using this but the marker does not move I have Grouped the marker but it will not move, anyidea how i can move a marker with the objects ?

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After a short delay move the marker to the location of one of your objects.

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