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How to fill Truck with troops

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When i spawn a Vehicle i thought it would be full off troops but that would be too easy :)

How can i fill my truck with troops ?

_grptank = creategroup EAST;
_tankSpawn = [[(_pos) select 0, (_pos select 1), 0], 0, "KamazOpen", _grptank] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_tankSpawn setVehicleVarname "Troopcarry1";

Do I have to create a group of men then move them into cargo ?

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Exactly that way, create a group and move each of them into cargo. :)

_pos = getMarkerPos (_this select 0);

_grptank = creategroup EAST;
_tankSpawn = [[(_pos) select 0, (_pos select 1), 0], 0, "KamazOpen", _grptank] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_tank = _tankSpawn select 0;
_tank setVehicleVarname "Troopcarry1";

_grpinf = [[1,1,1], EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "RU" >> "Infantry" >> "RU_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

{_x assignAsCargo _tank; _x moveInCargo _tank;} forEach units _grpinf;

Edited by kylania

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To find how many cargo seats are available you can use emptyPositions.

_freePositions = (vehicle player) emptyPositions "cargo";

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Or you can move all the soldiers into vehicle and delete the soldiers not in vehicle.

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If you want to move in troops to a vehicle right at the start, you use the Moveincargo command. The vehicle you are using needs to have a name. You can find this text box when you double click the vehicle in the editor. You give the vehicle a name (ex. Truck). Then, you get all your troops and type this In the unit line: this moveInCargo Truck; And you need to do this for every troop and not just the leader of a squad. You can copy and past it so you don't have to keep typing it in :P

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