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Positions ok in SP, quite offset in MP, why?

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I'm at the end of the line on this one, need help. Don't have the slightest idea on what's going on.

I have the following macro:

#define [color="red"]__soundobject[/color] \
sleep 2.678;\
[#[color="RoyalBlue"]s_o_create[/color],[color="SeaGreen"]_vehicle[/color]] call XNetCallEvent;\
_vehicle addEventHandler [#killed, {[#s_o_delete,[_this select 0]] call XNetCallEvent}]

That gets expanded in the following code:

//Some irrelevant stuff above.
switch (_sec_kind) do {
case 8: { //Artillery radar (extra)
	_vehicle = createVehicle [d_artillery_radar, _poss, [], 0, "NONE"];
	_svec = sizeOf d_artillery_radar;
	_isFlat = (position _vehicle) isFlatEmpty [_svec / 2, 150, 0.7, _svec, 0, false, _vehicle];
	if (count _isFlat > 0) then {
		_vehicle setPos _isFlat;
		[color="SeaGreen"]_poss[/color] = _isFlat;
	[color="seagreen"]_vehicle setPos _poss;[/color]
	_vehicle setDir (floor random 360);
	[_vehicle] execFSM "fsms\XRemoveVehiExtra.fsm";
	sleep 1.0112;

Where s_o_create boils down to:

XfSoundObjectPlacer = {
private ["_vec","_pos","_trigger"];
_create = {
	_vec = _this select 0;
	_pos = _this select 1;
	_sound = _this select 2;
	_text = _this select 3;
	_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _vec modelToWorld _pos];
	_trigger setTriggerStatements ["true", "", ""];
	_trigger setSoundEffect ["NoSound", "", "", _sound];
	_trigger setTriggerText _text;
	_obj = "Sign_sphere100cm_EP1" createVehicle [0,0,0];
	_obj setPos (_vec modelToWorld _pos);
	hint format ["sphere placed at %1", _vec modelToWorld _pos];
_vec = _this;
switch (typeOf _vec) do {
	case "TK_WarfareBArtilleryRadar_EP1" : {
		[_vec, [-3,-7,7], "Factory07Sfx", "RadarTop"] call _create;
		[_vec, [-3.5,-7.7,4.5], "fx_humming", "RadarBottom"] call _create;
		[_vec,  [-9.6,1,4.5], "Factory01Sfx", "RadarGenerator"] call _create;

All z values is +2 to be able to see the debug sphere.

When I play this in singleplayer, all is good and dandy. In multiplayer (dedi), the positions I get are seemingly correct compared to each other, but offset many 50-100 meters from the placed object. Don't think it matters, but _poss is also set private for the topmost scope. It shouldn't matter since I'm referencing the actual object (after it is being placed) rather than the position in _poss when it gets to s_o_create.

Any ideas? Again, using modelToWorld with direct reference to the object causes a 50-100 meter offset, but only in multiplayer. Which makes it hard to test.

Edited by CarlGustaffa
Deleted cases from the last snippet.

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Did you try hosted server with someone joining? Sometimes the results can give a hint on wtf is going on.

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