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Map point and click artillery - why so hard?

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I've been looking around for a script, tutorial or demo mission on some point and click (on map) artillery; and can't find anything anywhere. I've read over the Artillery Module article in the BohemiaWiki but I'm having trouble understanding it and do not know if it even suits my purpose.


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The module you refer to does exactly what your asking, you request it from communications menu, your then prompted to either click somewhere in First person, or you can switch to map, then request it and then click on map which drops an icon marker and then runs the process.

If you have operation arrowhead goto the tutorials, there is one for calling in supports/arty/rearm/CAS etc its a training mission (with step by steps and more info) simply using the module and you can test it out in an open areas as many times as you like to get used to it. Whats great it you can keep re calling them over and over in that tutorial missions and complete bomb the crap out of everywhere with multiple rounds and then CAS runs, great mission for testing out warfx addon :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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Yeah, I wasn't sure how to set it up. I find it to be a bit too confusing which is why I'm trying to find a demo mission of some sort.

Thanks, champ.

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Its simple, you goto editor set down a group or whoever you want to control, drop down the module and then sync it to the leader (you). Sync is an F key option you then click on the module, hold mouse, and drop the extending line to the leader which "snaps" to it.

Then you play and you then have the options under you communications menu, just like the tutorial. You can get more clever on expanding on this, but for more search the scripting section of this forum, there are a few threads all about modules and tailoring. There are also arty scripts and more fancy versions, but again goto armaholic scripts section or the section for scripting and search about.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Sorry for the late reply.

I've tried that many times but I do not have the option under my radio or communication menu.

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This isn't map click, but map click is cheaty and default, but here's a demo mission showing how to call in virtual arty via laser target.

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Hey buddy, I really appreciate you going out of your way to upload a demo for me but could you change the island to Utes? I don't have OA.


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heh, it's actually a bit more restrictive without OA since basically everything in that demo, including scripting commands are OA related.

Here's the demo mission on Chernarus and A2 only.

There are a few drawbacks. There's no laserTarget command in vanilla A2, so rather than deal with all sorts of nearest laser target checks I just went with cursorTarget instead. That has the drawback of not working unless you "know about" something, so that's why I reveal the target in the demo. I also added a check to make sure you had a LD armed otherwise it wouldn't work. Most everything else is the same though, let me know if you have questions about how any of it works.

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