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Modular AI would be nice

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As Arma 3 seems to aim toward even more flexibilty than previous installments, it would be nice to extend this to the AI too.

Currently the main difference between AI units is their skill levels. AI behaviour can be customed with scripting and mods, but the problem remains that all AI act pretty much the same, which is bad.

Different fighting forces use different tactics and react diffently in the battlefield, depending on equipment, opposition, training, morale etc. All this is impossible to simulate completely. However, editable modules for different tacticts can help simulate differences.

Say that a mission maker wants to have the player/s Special Forces unit support a small number of regular conscript army units plus un-trained civilian militia. The opfor is an undiciplined, but fanatical mob supported by highly skilled sniper unit, who is the players main target. These are basically five very different units. With one AI thei all tend to act the same and the mission won't work, however.

With different AI modules linked to each unit, their behaviour and skill levels could be set individually for each unit (or, in theory, even individual fighter). Spec For for players unit AI, conscript, militia, mob and sniper. The modules could be customised and mixed with scripted moves activated by Triggers.

Done properly this would result in very detailed and dynamic missions. Also, AI modules would enable a way to recreate period and national tactics from WWII and other mods, as well as more varied behaviour for civilian units (and zombies :) )

<Edit: Almost forgot> Modular AI could be used for better tank, helicopter and Aircraft AI, which are currently rather simplistic.

Edited by Metanolik

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I think something like this was already mentioned around here.

And again, I agree. It'd be nice to see a form of "modular" AI where the AI performs depending on it's type and skill.

Where their tactics change on the scenario, so a unit will behave differently depending on whether they are SF or Regular, whether they were UN soldiers or just Militia or your usual OpFor units. and so on.

I'm sure BI have overhauled the AI for A3, But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they've added :)

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If you feel like awesome you can already write your own FSM's and overwrite the default ones.

However, seeing the current state of the AI i would rather have BI perfect 1 AI routine before working on others.

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If you feel like awesome you can already write your own FSM's and overwrite the default ones.

However, seeing the current state of the AI i would rather have BI perfect 1 AI routine before working on others.

But rewriting the AI FSMs is not exactly "simple"

Plus, I would take a guess that the majority of the fanbase are not AI Experts, cause I know I'd not know where to begin with AI stuff. ;)

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But rewriting the AI FSMs is not exactly "simple"

What's more simple than a finite state machine? It's just a bunch of different states connected by transitions (and can be done with a graphical editor). Tedious yes, difficult no.

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What's more simple than a finite state machine? It's just a bunch of different states connected by transitions (and can be done with a graphical editor). Tedious yes, difficult no.

I know what an FSM is ..

It's the building the AI part of it, combining states together with transitions are easy, But getting the AI to be as you want, to get the AI to be "intelligent" is not as easy.

It'd be better to have had a professional AI programmer to have created the AI states, rather than us as users having to build them.

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But rewriting the AI FSMs is not exactly "simple"

Plus, I would take a guess that the majority of the fanbase are not AI Experts, cause I know I'd not know where to begin with AI stuff. ;)

Thats why i said 'if you feel like awesome'. ;)

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I think AI modules would be a good idea. It would allow for speedy creation of assymetrical missions where you do not wish for AI to act the same way regardless of side, the most obvious example being civilians who walk about in an arrowhead formation.

Plop a module down, and give it a dialogue. Apply AI changes via sync, or some other criteria like side, or area, optional via a drop-down. Then the module could control things like general discipline, skill, accuracy etc. That way you can mold the mission to have various levels of ability according to role, like support crew being less combat-savvy than patrol squads etc.

I know a lot of this stuff can be scripted etc, but editor modules are something that BIS have developed and implemented, so the suggestion should be valid enough :)

Edited by DMarkwick

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IMO, exposure of more low-level AI routines would be nice. Higher-level behavior can always be added on via scripting, but sometimes the low-level/hardcoded behavior can get in the way or could be useful to access for higher-level applications.

There are also times when a stripped-down barebones AI would be useful (very simple move, aim & shoot behavior). In otherwords, more opportunities for disableAI.

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Yeah, this sounds good to me though I have no idea of AI coding.

It would be great to have a module that has a list of parameters that can be changed in the editor.

Perhaps percentages to give importance to:

-Fleeing (I know it exists as a command but would be good to integrate to this module)

-Surrendering (Currently available as separate module. Would be good to integrate)

-Stealth (Higher for special forces so they tend to avoid contact until they reach their waypoint/objective. Also would be set high for snipers)

-Attack (This would be set higher to force advancements or very high for crazy insurgents. Very low for medics)


But then comes the complication of changing states...

Perhaps this is already possible with waypoint types...?

Edited by EDcase

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Well, I agree.

It's kind of weird seeing a african rebel (Duala), moving around in exactly the same manor as a US SF. Also keeping in mind that aiming down the sights, or having the weapon set to anything else than full auto isn't the highest priority for an untrained rebel soldier... who is not only just a civilian with a gun, but most likely high...

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