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avibird 1

Does DOMINATION with AI have a major design error help!

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So I was playing Domination2 with AI by myself. I moved out in a large group of 20 AI all in armor. I Took out the first town with no lose of units. I then jumped out of my tank to pick up a weapon and did not tell my group to hold position and my own AI tanks ran me the fuck over and killed my ass lol:eek:.

When I respawn as a new unit in the base I could not recruit any more AI or had any control over my armor group in the other town. I tryed to dismiss the AI from the barracks but that did not work. On top of that I had no more armor in my base to use:butbut:

Is this a mission design error!

How can you use more AI if your AI does not get killed when you do?

thanks AVIBIRD

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