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Looking for tactical teammates

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Hopefully i posted this in the right section, but im looking for any groups, squads, clans - whatever you wanna call it, to play online with. This game is by far used to its max potential while working cooperatively online with others to accomplish missions. I like playing the game for its realistic feel and have no problem accomplishing tasks as if i were in a real squad working together in a tactical way (which is what im looking for). Problem is i dont know anyone else who has this game, kinda alone with it. so if anyone is looking for a new squad member who can take the game seriously, let me know

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This is ok but the squad and fanpages section might get more responses.

A good group of guys to hang and play with are the 15th MEU guys. They have a few servers and run lots of good maps.:bounce3:

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thanks , maybe even if there are others like me that wanna form a group, im pretty active in the map editor and create my own missions that are somewhat indepth and pretty fun, i like to pay attention to detail. im just trying to broaden my play field with this game with ppl similar like me

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I am new to PC gaming and ArmA. I also am interested in finding battlemates to enjoy this awesome sim.

I'll be around till 24Jul2011 before real world MOB Site @ Ft Lewis, WA. I got this game and kickass ASUS G74 notebook for RR times downrange while serving in IZ.

Still GREEN with ArmA & learning the ropes but can handle myself pretty well just playing combat mode. Other aspects such as ADDONs, DL new modes/maps ei ACE, even looking for a game in MP seems to require know how that I lack now.

Nonetheless, with practice and time I'm sure I'll be warrin it up with the best of them out there! Any help along the way by fellow ArmA warheads would be TRULY appreciated, thanks.

SGT Granados - out!

Edited by JGphins

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