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What's the intention with the new radio channel system?

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There are some new commands that creates custom radio channels. Like:

radioChannelCreate [[1,0,1,0.5], 1, "callsign", [player]]; //Assumed syntax. And.

player customRadio [1,"hello"]; //Assumed, too lazy to setup description.ext.

So currently it appears the command customChat is missing.

What is the purpose of these? Automatically I start thinking about ATC services, ATIS, AFIS airports, unmanned airport lighting controls etc, than can react if vehicle radio is tuned to the right frequency.

Unless TKOH is supposed to have these things done differently, I have some suggestions to make them even more usable in TKOH:

1) A parameter that defines if a player can actually select the radio channel if he cycles between them. Typically you would want this for nav radios.

2) A parameter that defines how it can be used: Transmit, Receive, Both, Keyed. Transmit allows player to speak or chat on that channel. Receive means you can receive things on that channel. Both allows both obviously. Keyed is a special kind of transmission where you only key the mike (airport brightness control i.e.). Transmit only could be used to simulate partly radio failures, transponder code. Receive only could be used for things like ATIS services. The logics have to be "you can receive on any number of chosen channels, but you can only send on one". In an aircraft, you typically have two com radios (excluding VHF, not needed here) you can chat on, and three navigational radios (two NAVs and one NDB receiver). Using an audio panel, I can choose to listen to two radios at the same time, vehicle intercom, and idents for the various navaids I have tuned in.

3) Being able to define radios like that, I can script pretty much anything I can think of wrt radios, even if not planned for the actual game:

* Define approach, ground, ATIS, center, departure etc, to different "frequencies". Having a valid frequency "tuned" (string matching) in a radio enables reception and transmission (if valid) on that channel.

* Nav radios split into two bands, VORs and LLZs. Tuning works the same (can't transmit though :D), and if a nearby and visible (thinking new lineIntersects here) VOR is tuned, I can figure out what radial the player is at and adjust the CDI appropriately. If localizer, then I need to be within the cone, but instead of radial I go for finer degree of absolute CDI deflection. NDBs can be pointed at by tuning the correct ADF frequency. Flipping ident switches, I could play the appropriate ident (as by magic). There was recently a morse addon that could possibly be used for this.

The question is, should the TKOH engine deal with all this by default? Handle the concepts of COM, NAV (VOR, LLZ only, ILS, LLZ BC), ADF, IDENT, ELT, KeyedMike (?), Audio Panel, INTERCOM, MARKER BEACONS, in a rather shallow manner. Or should it be script based where we have easier access to fix things that are important to us but at the cost of frames loss when simulations get deep enough?

In the end, the point about all this is that unless it's already planned for to handle advanced radio, some extra effort should be put into the new radio system so we can enhance it ourselves.

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This is exactly, what I said here and there, I agree 100% here :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

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