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Arma : Cold War Assault missing CZ localization ?!

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:confused: Why there is no original Czech localization in game ? even text isn't complete and cannot be chosen in preferences window.. pretty sad u forget about your mother language :/

Is there some option how to get that Czech dubbing into game ?

I hope at least for some patch or dlc or i will be pretty sad/mad :pray:

Thx for any answer.



:confused:PreÄo nie je pôvodná Äeská lokalizácia v hre? ani text nie je úplný a nemôže byÅ¥ zvolený v okne Predvoľby .. docela smutné že ste zabudly na materinský jazyk :/

Existuje niaka možnost, ako dostaÅ¥ Äeský dabing do hry?

Dúfam, že aspoň vydáte update alebo DLC inak budem veľmi smutný :pray:

Vdaka za odpoved.


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Dwarden said that:

wait till we release czech version later
...So you have to wait and they maybe release czech version. And I have to say that czech dubbing is brilliant! I love you BIS :D


Dwarden mi odpovedel ze :

wait till we release czech version later
... Takze staci pockat a snad tu ceskou verzi vydaji. Edited by kllrt

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Unfortunately, I think we must still wait. But, I see the complete czech version on Sprocket, so maybe update will be soon. We must wait...


Bohužel, myslím že jeÅ¡tÄ› musíme Äekat. Na Sprocketu ale vidím kompletní Äeskou verzi, takže nás možná nÄ›jaký update Äeká brzo. Musíme Äekat...

Edited by Cvrnda

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