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ArmA 2 and OA run so badly..

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After theres a few 100 AI enemies, everything starts to lag. I've got an i7 980 at 3.8GHz, HIS HD 5870 turbo, 6GB 1660mhz ram, and i run arma from an SSD.

What can I do to boost up performance? FPS drops considerably once more AI are ingame. My settings aren't all that good either..


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Edited by Relemar

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Not having 100 AI enemies would be a good place to start.

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Then I can't play user made missions..

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First off change the Video Memory to default, that's the easy one. Secondly don't get hung up on FPS, by the way you didn't mention what fps you are getting???

The reason I say don't get hung up on fps is that the game is way more dependant on your CPU not your graphics card. I have a pair of them and they run at around 25% load. I would be surprised if your card is working much higher than 50%. It's the CPU not the GPU that requires your attention.

The GPU just draws what the CPU has worked on. The CPU is figuring all of the AI that take time. As for fps anything over 30 is good! heck 20 is ok'ish it's playable.

There are some tricks that can ease a little more performance from your system but you can't expect a massive improvement one or two fps only. ArmA dose not run quickly in the way other games do, it's simulation not a shooter (CoD BF and the like)

High FPS is simply is not required. It's more about bragging rights, but I enjoy my game so much better when I turn Fraps off!

Find a look and feel you like and leave it at that. I like crisp clean look to my games so I turn off a lot of thing but put others much higher.

veryhigh.th.jpg betaingame.th.jpg

Others might like a more cinematic look and have lower textures and better effects.

It's a personal thing, you need to find your own but don't freak out about low fps, your aiming for 30'ish. It has taken me quite some time to learn that and I enjoy my game so much better for it. ArmA is a simulator not a game! (sort of :) )

Edited by PendragonUK

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Have you patched the game yet? If not, go download the patches, it helps! :)

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I usually get around 50-60 and it's completely smooth and perfect. When I go over big cities with enemies, it sometimes drops to 24 and be really laggy and not nice to play.

Game is fully patched up :) Ill have a look at settings, cheers.

Edited by Relemar

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I usually get around 50-60 and it's completely smooth and perfect. When I go over big cities with enemies, it sometimes drops to 24 and be really laggy and not nice to play.

Game is fully patched up :) Ill have a look at settings, cheers.

I try to get around 30'ish in the most complex of situations. In a city with lots of AI. Once I can do that I'm normally happy. As you can see I have that on the settings in my post but that is running the latest beta patch. It doesn't do much for raw fps but helps with smoothness of game play. Single player only at the mo with the Beta, mp there is no real improvement but that's Beta's for you, one step at a time...

Your graphics card is strong and you have fast RAM and running the game from an SSD, this all helps. Your CPU is more powerful than mine, I may have the edge on G/Cards so all in all our systems are a close match. The SSD really helps ;)

Have a go at setting things as I have mine, that's an infantry setup. If your a flyer then I would drop the detail and push the view distance, but not too far cos it'll smoke your PC :yay:

Give it a go just to see if it works and you like the result. As I said, I like clean crisp image with hard edges and everything in focus. I'm not really a fan of cinematic effects. All I can suggest is try stuff and benchmark, benchmark, benchmark till you can find the compromise you can live with.

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I've matched your settings, but not a fan of the 'sharp' edges, it looks tatty and makes the game look ugly and less life like. In my eyes, anyway :P Runs better though, I'll give you that. I think i'll sacrifice looks over performance tbh mate.

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No probs m8 just keep on till you find the compromise you can live with, Post-Processing can give a little jump in performance and it softens the edges a bit.

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