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call bis_fnc_taskPatrol globally for every unit

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I know how to use it on single groups like this for example:

[group this, getPos this, 1000] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;

But is it possible to apply it globally somehow so that every unit in the editor uses it?.

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It is group based but yes you could use allGroups and apply it to each one.


This is not tested but something like this should work.

   [_x, (getPos(leader _x)), 1000] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; 

} forEach allGroups;

Edited by Riouken

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No problem.

If you want to randomize the distance for each group you could do this:


   _dist = (floor(random 950)) + 50;
   [_x, (getPos(leader _x)), _dist] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; 

} forEach allGroups;

That will give you give you a min patrol distance of 50 m. and a max of 1000 m.

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Oh cool!, now i have to ask.. how to randomize _wp setWaypointSpeed

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I dont think you can change the waypoint speed with out editing the function.

But you could try this ( Im not sure if this will work but its worth a shot.)

_sm = ["LIMITED","NORMAL","FULL"];

   _dist = (floor(random 950)) + 50;
   [_x, (getPos(leader _x)), _dist] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
   _spd = (_sm select (floor(random 2)));
   _x setSpeedMode _spd; 

} forEach allGroups;

fyi setSpeedMode

Edited by Riouken

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No i didnt seem to work, not from what i saw anyway, there was a script error 'missing ;'

_sm = ["LIMITED","NORMAL","FULL"];

Anyway its doing what i wanted it to do, thanks :D

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How can I now exclude a group? bis_fnc_taskPatro=false removes from everyone

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Make a copy of allGroups and then subtract whatever group(s) from the copy. Work with this new array.

_mygroups = allGroups;
_mygroups = _mygroups - [somegroup];

Then use _mygroups for bis_fnc_taskPatrol.

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Actually while doing that I realized that's not how I really want to do it, out of 20 units only 2 would not be using them for example, is there something I can put in the init of those units?

This is more like a base template I use and constantly changing different groups etc, that's why I wanted the global call

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Actually while doing that I realized that's not how I really want to do it, out of 20 units only 2 would not be using them for example, is there something I can put in the init of those units?

This is more like a base template I use and constantly changing different groups etc, that's why I wanted the global call

what Twirly said, just make it a global array, name it whatever, but do not use underscore in front:

place in init.sqf:

global_groups = [];

in the groups you want excluded from the patrols, place this in init.sqf(this should ofc be initline of leader):

global_groups = global_groups + [(group this)];

now run the script like this, only those groups that do not have the above line in their init line will patrol.

_sm = ["LIMITED","NORMAL","FULL"];

if (!(_x in global_groups)) then {
	_dist = (floor(random 950)) + 50;
	_patrol = [_x, (getPos(leader _x)), _dist] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
	_spd = (_sm select (floor(random 2)));
	_x setSpeedMode _spd; 
} forEach allGroups;

Edited by Demonized

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Ok, sori Twirly bro, i thought i knew what i was doing! that works perfect, thanks guys and cheers for detailed description. :ok:

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