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Improvements to the way helicopters crash?

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Anyone feel that helicopter crashes could be in anyway more realistic in ARMA 3?

I for one think you should be able to have better chances of surviving a helicopter crash than you do now in ARMA 2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is any chance to be inside a crashed helo and still be alive in ARMA 2 is there? Is it even possible to make a hard, yet survivable crash landing right now?

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the helicopters explode "far to easy" when hard landing, though i have never been in a helicopter crash, but from movies and such, it appears that they can take much more beating than they can in Arma2.

This can ofc be scripted, but an overall improvement on this for Arma3 would be welcome.

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a few years ago i made a small script, which basicly prevented the chopper from exploding to easy, especially when there is no or nearly no Ammo and Fuel onboard.

If the chopper doesnt crash too hard, the crew also had a good chance to survive, randomly injured some died, but basicly u had a good chance to come out alive.

Would love to see that in ArmA3

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I think overall it should look at least better than it does. The crash should all be related to how fast you begin to decline and the angle the helicopter hits the ground.

Instead of just making the engine fail crashing at a certain speed, there should be something like this: At 'x' speed the helicopter will hit the ground and take damage to the landing gear. The chopper is still flyable but could potentially be hazardous trying to land again (ex: if it lands on a slope without the landing gear it could tip onto its side).

If speed 'x' is increased and the helicopter hits, the chopper will crash into the ground, destroying the landing gear and getting it stuck. Should it hit at an angle that allows it to flip, instead of it just blowing up the helicopter will crash on its side embedding itself in the dirt with debris flying around from the main rotor which can potentially kill but would more likely severely injure any pilot/crewman.

If the helicopter hits the ground at some extreme speed, the chopper will break apart upon impact and immediately kill anyone on board.

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If it is a catastrophic crash, they should still spawn the bodies in or around the crash site rather than have them disappear.

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One of the selling characteristics of the Uh-60 was its capability to survive. In one of the test runs with it, it crashed and required repairs. The company thought they lost the contract for the next transport helicopter because of this. But the US military was impressed with the fact it survived the impact, and was quickly repaired and ready to fly from its crash site.

So I believe, and from images of REAL crashed helicopters the crashes in arma are WAY unrealistic. The crashes in arma involve explosions and no survivors. In reality the helicopter is not likely to explode on impact, and the crew does have a chance of survival.

This unrealistic behavior in the helicopters is also present in all vehicles. And there is more to it. For example the abrams will take an RPG, and the crew will be injured when they are inside the abrams armor. In reality US abrams have been destroyed, but the crew survived because of the crew protection the abrams offers. Most if not all of the damage characteristics of vehicles is unrealistic. Hell I have finished off an A10 by shooting an MP5 at the cockpit....

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I did some experiments in the editor by flying the Blackhawk and shutting the engine off at 600 feet. It seems as long as the engines are off when your wheels touch the ground (even at slow speeds) you would instantly explode. The only time I made a "safe" landing, was when I autohovered at 600+ feet, shut the engine off, and made sure I didnt tilt the blackhawk in anyway. Even when the helicopter hit the ground softly in one piece, it still was damaged enough that it was unusable.

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go to 1:40

If the crew can survive a crash like that, then Arma helo crashes need some serious reworking. Edited by Igneous01

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