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Updates for Arma 2?

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I'm pretty sure that these concern some of us that plays Arma 2. Will there still be a constant stream of patches/updates/fixes even after Arma 3 is released?

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this belongs in A2 section, doesn't it?

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yeah kinda, strange :confused: but or he is confused or we are :D


Anyway if i look at the news on armaholic is see beta release patches on regular base so yeah they will upate and support arma2 till it is don they always did anyway!

kind regards

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I would hope that BIS do what they did with ArmA - keep releasing patches and updates for a good while after A3's release.

...however, not to worry at the moment - 2012 is still a while off.

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Yeah! I hope that BIS will still make patch for ArmA II after ArmA III release.

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