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Editor Suggestions

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Hi, I would actually like to make this thread for the editor junkies so they can add whatever they want for the new ARMA III editor.

ARMA editing is great - it lets you do so many things from making your own maps to just screwing around in the editor. However, sometimes it is unbearably complicated.

I myself would like things to be more simple regarding briefings debriefings Instead of going of and coding sqs and sqf documents... one should be able to do it in-editor, This would simplify the process of making a mission. I am definitely not the most skilled and these briefings are the most frustrating part of it. I am sure I can come up with more but that is the biggest one.

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the town generator in OA was a great addition. more of that, but also backwards compatibility would be great too.

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Easy briefings, little to no scripting for loadouts, the outlines of objects actually showing where they are in relation to the map, being able to start a mission with a unit in a heli's cargo without the unit having to be part of the heli's group, etc, etc.

That's what I want.

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Easy briefings, little to no scripting for loadouts, the outlines of objects actually showing where they are in relation to the map a 3D editor, being able to start a mission with a unit in a heli's cargo without the unit having to be part of the heli's group, etc, etc.

That's what I want.

Fixed ;)

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There are alot of little tiny things that would make life easier in the editor. Like being able to select the 'Special' option for everyone in a group. I'm talking about 'In formation', 'None', 'Flying'. When you edit the group leader he could have a 'Group Special' option so you can select those things for everybody, rather than having to click on every unit and set him to 'None' because you don't want the group to be in formation.

In fact, everything you can choose for one unit (leader) should be copied for the whole group if you want it to be. For example, little tick boxes next to the unit's Health, Fuel, Ammo, Probability and Radius sliders - 'Copy for Group' or something like that.

These are minor things but if there aren't going to be any broad changes like selectable loadouts or a 3D editor, then maybe the little things can still be addressed.

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being able to start a mission with a unit in a heli's cargo without the unit having to be part of the heli's group


this moveInCargo heli1 ?

Or did I misunderstand something?

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