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Unit Skeleton Issues

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I'm trying to compile a unit which I think I have setup correctly - I copied the model.cfg from the arma 2 sample units and have checked that the MLODs are properly rigged with that pack of animation poses from arma 1. Everything seems OK, so I compile with binpbo - but when I try to test them in game, it freezes immediately upon loading (progress bar never fills) and the RPT gets spammed:

Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueFaction/
Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueClass/
Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueVehicle/
Warning Message: Cannot load texture ca\characters\data\hhl_nohq.paa.
Warning Message: Cannot load texture ca\characters\data\hhl_22_co.paa.
Warning Message: Cannot load texture ca\characters\data\hhl_smdi.paa.
Warning Message: Cannot load material file ctl_dcu\data\r2_w1.rvmat.
Cannot load material file ctl_dcu\data\r2_w1.rvmat
Warning Message: Cannot load material file ctl_dcu\data\r2_w2.rvmat.
Cannot load material file ctl_dcu\data\r2_w2.rvmat
Obsolete CfgSkeletons for OFP2_ManSkeleton, move to model.cfg
Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.CfgSkeletons'.
Warning Message: No entry '.OFP2_ManSkeleton'.
Warning Message: No entry '.skeletonInherit'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.skeletonBones'.
Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
Warning Message: No entry '.isDiscrete'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Error: Bone weapon doesn't exist in some skeleton

after here the 'error: bone' message is repeated for what seems to be every bone in the skeleton and repeated again a million times for good measure (until I force quit arma 2)

I have double and triple checked everything - config.cpp seems to be fine, MLODs and model.cfg seem to be fine as well as described above - folder structure is:

ctl_dcu (my mod name)
- data
    - textures
- config.cpp
- model.cfg

and I am not running any other mods when testing (combined ops). What am I missing?

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I'm trying to compile a unit which I think I have setup correctly - I copied the model.cfg from the arma 2 sample units and have checked that the MLODs are properly rigged with that pack of animation poses from arma 1. Everything seems OK, so I compile with binpbo - but when I try to test them in game, it freezes immediately upon loading (progress bar never fills) and the RPT gets spammed:

I am assuming that you have a custom character (other than the sample one), and you copied just the model.cfg from the samples.


1. have you paint weighted the verts on the bones?

2. have you got the named selections in the same manner as the sample?

would help a lot if you would post the following:



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figured it out - neglected to add these lines:

class ar : ArmaMan {};

class rifleman : ArmaMan {};

class teamleader : ArmaMan {};

they actually assign each .p3d to a class, correct?

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figured it out - neglected to add these lines:

class ar : ArmaMan {};

class rifleman : ArmaMan {};

class teamleader : ArmaMan {};

they actually assign each .p3d to a class, correct?

yeah the name of each p3d has (as you have said/done) to be listed as a separate class in the model.cfg

Often people confuse the class bit for the classname that they have given a unit in the config when it is infact just the name of the p3d. The amount of times I have forgotten to add a new model to my cfg before I load the game up is a very big number I'd like to not think about lol!

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