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Unit Init GroupCommands

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I dont really know how to explain the idea I have. I feel like Im missing a good solution to my fixing.

What I got is alot of diffrent units on the map. Some text/script is common for all units, but it gets messy and feels lame to copy/paste into all units init field.. is there not a better way to mirror the code ?

Say that I have the init "removeallweapon this;" and some other lines. But instead of multicopy.. I write either "exacVM code.sqf" or stash all the codes somewhere.

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If your doing it for player controlled units, you can put it in a simple script and execute it like this:


execVM "myscript.sqf";

That will get executed on everyones client.

If you wanted to do something to all units you could use this array:


{removeAllWeapons _x;} forEach allUnits;

You could do that in the init.sqf or a trigger or an object init.

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