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Hit detection from anti material rifle

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Ive run into more of a visual problem with my mission than a technical one.

Ive set up a mission where a sniper team is supposed to recon and disable enemy equipment with an anti material rifle.

problem is this:

hit eventhandler wont work for vehicles and rifles like m107 or as50 because the damage is too low to be considered triggering.

It will work for the ace m109, but the issue is that I cant find a way to disable the vehicle/radar station rather than destroying it outright.

I want it to look somewhat believable, that firing at an empty aircraft with an anti material rifle will damage components inside, so maybe an animation state where the wheels fall off or a wing breaks apart? just so the player knows he has damaged it and that it is damaged and not blowing up.

any recommendations you can give, im all ears

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Read the HandleDamage thread in my sig. Basically you check the ammo used and administer extra damage.

Edited by Celery

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great, that works pretty well, and it detects any type of round too ^^

now i just need to figure out how to damage the object visually, and removing the eventhandler afterwards.

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now i just need to figure out how to damage the object visually, and removing the eventhandler afterwards.

Maybe make some smoke come out of the cockpit area. That would provide a visual clue to the players without an explosion.

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The smoke is a good idea, but more importantly I think the spotter should let you know when you've hit it hard enough.

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That is what I was thinking, if it was a quick puff of smoke rather than a fire like column then the shooter may miss it during the recoil of the shot. It would be up to the spotter to confirm the "kill".

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thanks for the suggestions, ill try implementing that

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