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Cover System and Urban Combat

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I'm thinking more along the lines of Gears of War, and forgive me for even mentioning Call of Duty.

I have been playing the BI family of games since Op Flashpoint came out in 1999, and its always been a conventional / spec ops type open area ( countryside ) sim/war game. One thing that has been attempted to replicate is some type or experience of urban combat.

To my knowledge so far, no one has been able to program AI that can navigate or use any sort of cover in urban enviornments, as well as program effective path-finding and collision dection to help the AI navigate through buildings and /or use buildings ( also sandbags etc ) as cover.

I noticed that ArmA did give commanders the option to assign the AI to certain points on buildings ( like different parts of a roof or wall, or position in a building ) in order to help faciliate taking and holding buildings; but to my knowledge it is still ineffective and buggy.

My question is, is that i humbly ask, does anyone know of any mod or ability for ArmA 2 to implement any sort of cover system, AI, or path finding to make urban combat a somewhat satisfying experience? Or is ArmA 2 still confined to countryside combat? I am not a programmer, and i would not know where to begin to program any sort of mod myself.

Thank you for reading.

Edited by ameriveaux
Stupid Grammer mistakes, quick draft

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To be fair i think the latest patches have done wonders for the enemy AI. Everytime i see some guys leaning around corners and starting to shoot i could swear they're human players.

Its still a long way from the heavily scripted CoD experience (i can understand why ppl think its fun). I guess to do something like this in ArmA2 you need to remodel all buildings / obstacles with special waypoints and totally redo the whole AI system.

Would take 1 year if you know what you're doing i guess.

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My question is, is that i humbly ask, does anyone know of any mod or ability for ArmA 2 to implement any sort of cover system, AI, or path finding to make urban combat a somewhat satisfying experience?

When requesting a mod (this includes asking if one exists) the AddOn request thread should be used.

Edited by Guest

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