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Looking for a carry script

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I've been looking for a carry script, one where players can carry other injured players that cannot move: (defined by a script i created that kicks in when player damage is greater than 0.7).

I'm asking because seems to complicated for me to create such an achievement specially because of using the proper animations.

As anyone created one or could make a breakthrough for me?

PS: i searched but no luck. Maybe no one have tried it with the exception on norrin's revive. But i would have to alter his script, and not only i don't know how to properly do that but i don't want to mess his work.

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I just wanted a separate script not a whole revive framework. R3F Revive is good, but my preference is towards an independent carry script.

Too bad BIS modules don't work properly on MP.

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You could only use the Battlefield Clarence Module, Im pretty sure it works very well in MP.


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When i tried with all 3 odules the battle clearence didn't work quite wwll, i could get the actions and the animations but when i lifted one of my mates i couldn't move. Happened the same on my mates. I haven't tried only that module, but it will probably repeat the bug.

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I just wanted a separate script not a whole revive framework. R3F Revive is good, but my preference is towards an independent carry script.

Too bad BIS modules don't work properly on MP.

It does work. I think its the battlefield clearence module, I use this in my Coop missions and it works. Drag or carry. I dont use the ones that make you roll about when shot, but if a unit is shot in legs and cannot walk (or dead body) the player can drag or carry.

I run my coop missions on a dedi server btw.



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The reason why i need a separated script is because i have this system i created:

//Script and code by =WB=Tex

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};

_unit = _this select 0;
_loop = false;

while {!_loop} do {
waitUntil {(damage _unit) >= 0.70};
_loop = true;
_unit sidechat "Medic!! I'm Bleeding";
while (_loop) do {
  if ((damage _unit) >= 0.70 && (damage _unit) < 0.95) then {
_unit playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";
_unit setHit ["legs", 1];
BlurInjured = ppEffectCreate ["DynamicBlur", 472];
BlurInjured ppEffectEnable true;
BlurInjured ppEffectAdjust[1.21];
BlurInjured ppEffectCommit 2;
   _dmg = getDammage _unit;
   _unit setDammage (_dmg + 0.004);
  } else {
  if ((damage _unit) < 0.70) then {
_loop = false;
  ppeffectdestroy BlurInjured;
  _unit playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront";
  sleep 1;
  _unit playMove "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
sleep 10;

The FA BattleClearance module does not work with this system because of the loops but i don't know how to create a script with the same functionality as above (which is what i need) and at the same time compatible with the module.

The module does kicks in fine when a unit gets his legs destroyed (without this script running), but in my case with the system above even if i destroy legs with setHit command the module won't kick in.

The reason why i have the animations is because when player gets a certain damage i don't want him to be able to move. This system works fine i tested it in dedicated even though i agree the implementation is not very good because it is repeating things in the loop that could happen only once. But since i'm still learning i haven't found a better way.

Please really need help!!!

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I've put myself to work and improved my script because i thought it would now work with BIS module battleclearance:

//Script and code by =WB=Tex

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};

_unit = _this select 0;

BlurredVision_fnc = {
BlurredVision = ppEffectCreate ["DynamicBlur", 472];
BlurredVision ppEffectEnable true;
BlurredVision ppEffectAdjust[1.21];
BlurredVision ppEffectCommit 2;

while {alive _unit} do {
waitUntil {(getdammage _unit) >= 0.70};
_unit setHit ["legs", 1];
_unit playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";

[_unit] spawn {
_unit = _this select 0;
	while {(getdammage _unit) >= 0.70} do {
		_dmg = getDammage _unit;
		_unit setDammage (_dmg + 0.005);
		sleep 10;

call BlurredVision_fnc;
waitUntil {(getdammage _unit) < 0.70};
_unit playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront";
ppeffectdestroy BlurredVision;
_unit playMove "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
  sleep 1;  

This works but will not allow you to use the carry/drag, and i just don't understand why! Is something wrong with my script?

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