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This great game

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With OpF:Resistance release, the war will come to the end so said Bohemia.

1.Well then..., if there any interest to make bundle packages containing all 3 title in 1 game( gold edition..maybe).God, i just love this game.

2.Any other games title similar to this (squad base/3d/large battlefield/war )?..What do ppl play now? Plz recommended to me...

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well i was looking forward to BF1942 until

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Q: Will BF's gameplay be realistic?

A: No, the developers conciders fun more important than realism. The gameplay is something you can't get bored of. Everything you can imagine is possible! Jump out of planes in the middle of the sky and get yourself a pickup by low flying bombers! And even if you do get bored of the war aspect in Battlefield 1942 (Although we don't see that happening very soon), you can always start working on your stunt career <span id='postcolor'>

oh joy, a bloody arcade game.

the only other games i play besides OFP right now are tribes and morrowind

played MOHAA for awhile but got bored after EA decided to bundle the SDK with an expansion pack in november and has pretty much abandoned the community

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Well its not like OFP is going anywhere soon. It doesn't have an expirory date so it should be safe on your harddrive for awhile smile.gif

Seriously the modding community is just starting to do stuff. Give it a year and I bet there will be a ton of new stuff. Look at Falcon 4 and how long it has lasted and how different the flight sim is now than when it was released. I think OFP could be the same way if there is no OFP2. People make the game better. I mean look there are people how are making RPGs and RTS with the scripting in the game. How far can they go? I'm waiting for the dynamic battle across the whole island. Now that would be sweet.


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OPF will be complete 4 me when I hav WWII + Vietnam scenarios... which are ment to be in the works thanks to thoughs people who create MODS. But I agree with dayglow-- once u hav a great game/foundation which is most definately OPF u can go on and add to it and keep on adding to it!

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing an OPF ZULU Mod or an American Civil War Mod...

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Is the Invasion 44 mod dead? I cant get onto their webby I really wanted that

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Antichrist @ May 20 2002,12:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I hope they release something like OFP Platinum (OFP + RH + Resistance)<span id='postcolor'>

Yeh, with SAFEDISC3 protection. tounge.gif

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Safedisc is completely useless!!!! Why not use something that actually "protects" the CD?

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i don't really see why companies bother putting all this copy protection, because unless i'm mistaken the warez guys always find ways to crack them and all it ends up doing is preventing users from making legitimate backups, but i guess it prevents some kid in the 6th grade from copying cds and selling them to his buddies

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I guess it's just a deterrent, like a steering wheel lock. Those things can be unlocked without the key in under 90 seconds (or less i think), but the manufacturers claim it's there to put most theives off from nicking your car confused.gif

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Yeah hardcore warez will do whatever to crack a game, but with simple copy protection it stops a lot of 'borrowing'. I know a lot of friends that don't know much about computers see something cool on mine and wonder if I could burn them a copy. With simple copy protection I can't and gives me a good excuse to say I can't. I remember when I had a C64 back in the 80s and I think all my games were pirated copies bought at flea markets. I mean when your 8yrs old and a back of 20 games cost like $2 you couldn't turn it down. A lot of companies went out of business back then because of that. Now if you want warez it takes time and effort and 'knowing' someone that can point you to a proper server. Most people don't have the time or the knowladge to do it.

Oh yeah what is safe disk 3? I know I have some safedisk 2 games that stopped working in my cdrom drive when I upgraded to xp. They work in my CDRW drive, but not the other one, weirld.


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