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I Cannot Gun!

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So as a gunner in an attack helicopter I'm trying to figure out a way to stabilize my Rambo pilot AI. Every time I give him a waypoint he goes about 750m past it, it's ridiculous. I've tried telling him to hold fire too, no dice. How the heck do you do this?

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You probably forgot it (happens when you get old) but you already started a thread. But as the kind guy i am i'm surely helping you to find it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=118043

Hope you get an answer about this soon. Sadly i can't help as usually i'm piloting and a mate taking the gunners seat so the problem doesn't arise.

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Thanks Myke. It really makes more sense having this in General rather than Troubleshooting. I don't really have a bug or problem with the game itself, more of a question.

PS. I love everything you've worked on.

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