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Attn. ShackTac and Zeus WGL addons veterans

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Hi, folks,

I'm interested in the help you could provide.

I'm working on an update to the required addons for access to the WGL missions on my server. I'm using both ShackTac's @wgl5extra and Zeus' @zcommon addons folders as the bases for my pack (I will include additional addons requested by mission makers). The ShackTac archive I have is dated 9/18/2006 (from dslyecxi's site); the @zcommon archive is dated 9/26/2006, about a week later.

When examining the addons included in those archives, I've found that some identically named addons differ in size and date modified. Here's an image of the comparison:


Which pack's addons should take precedence? Do I go with the larger sized ones? The more recently dated ones? Regarding recent dates, there are a bunch dated 4/3/2006 - I'm not sure that's a good one to go with.

Two addons are particularly interesting:

1. f3wx_o1.pbo

2. baracken.pbo - I have two versions of this one. Ironically, ST and @z have the same one, sized 9,803,414 (1/10/2005). The other one is from the wgl_islandpack (9,803,383 4/3/2006). Which one should I use (I'm leaning towards the ST/@z one)?

Thanks for any help!


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Two addons are particularly interesting:

1. f3wx_o1.pbo

I have run into a mission or two that gave me an error for this addon. I think it was asking for ver. 1.1.

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Zulu, which one of the two shown in the chart do you have?

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Many addons over time have been modified for use on a particluar server and this appears to be one of them. Some addons need to be modified to correct errors that the original maker made for MP compatibility.

f3wx_o1.pbo in my @zcommon folder has the 6/27/05 date. In my "original" archive for ver. 1.1 the file date is 6/15/04, a year earlier than the zcommon file.

It's hard to say which version is more universally good for most missions. I'd say keep the later dates, but what's more important is that the client addons match what's on the server. This might explain some of the errors being seen. I'll try to note the misisons I have problems with.


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