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Drones in multiplayer missions

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Lo folks, just a quickie question (title is a bit of a give away).

Can you have drones in multiplayer games, and if so, could somebody tell me how to set them up.

Basically I just want somebody to be able to operate a drone as CAS/recon for an infantry element in a MP environment.

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Thanks, I'll give that a go. And I'll add that wiki to my favourites to say me asking nub questions in future. :D

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Youll also need to resync your player if he respawns, put this in the init line of the units you sync with the uav module

this addEventHandler ["Killed", {uav synchronizeObjectsAdd [this];}];

And this will help if you dont want the UAV to die in MP, also this will give it unlimited fuel and the AI will never target anything on their own

this flyinheight 500; this allowdamage false; this setcaptive true; this setBehaviour "careless"; this setCombatMode "BLUE"; this disableAI "AUTOTARGET";this disableAI "TARGET"; nul = this spawn { while {alive _this} do { _this setFuel 1; sleep 60 } };

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