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[FINISHED] Carpetbombing script

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Just a simple carpetbombing script. It's well commented, so shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWJX82YftUc&hd=1

//Script: carpetbomb.sqf
//Version: 0.1b
//Author: The Darkbird
//Date: 04/2011
//Usage: _null = ["startmarker", "endmarker", ripples, bombs, spreadx, spready, totaltime] execVM carpetbomb.sqf
//Example: _null = ["start", "end", 50,5,15,170, 4] execVM "carpetbomb.sqf";

_startmarker = _this select 0; //Marker to start bombing from
_endmarker = _this select 1; //Marker to end bombing
_ripple = _this select 2; //Number of bomb ripples
_bombs = _this select 3; //Number of bombs per ripple
_xspread = _this select 4; //Randomness in x-axis
_yspread = _this select 5; //Randomness in y-axis
_time = _this select 6; //Total time to complete the carpet bomb (indicative, due to overhead)

//Location init
_x1 = getMarkerPos _startmarker select 0; //Start x
_y1 = getMarkerPos _startmarker select 1; //Start y 
_x2 = getMarkerPos _endmarker select 0; //End x
_y2 = getMarkerPos _endmarker select 1; //End y
_z = getMarkerPos _startmarker select 2; //z, which is always the same

_deltax = (_x1 - _x2)/(_ripple-1); //Calculate delta x (= movement per ripple)
_deltay = (_y1 - _y2)/(_ripple-1); //Calculate delta y (= movement per ripple)
_delay = _time /_ripple; //Calculate delay between ripples

if (isServer) then //Random function is local, so only execute on server in MP
for [{_i=0},{_i < _ripple},{_i = _i +1}] do //For every ripple do
		for [{_j=0},{_j < _bombs},{_j = _j +1}] do //For every bomb do
			_gbu = "Bo_Mk82" createVehicle [_x1 + (random -_xspread) + (random _xspread), _y1 + (random -_yspread)+ (random _yspread) , _z]; //Make bomb
			_gbu setDamage 1; //Detonate bomb
		};//end for every bomb
		_x1 = _x1 - _deltax; //Move x-position
		_y1 = _y1 - _deltay; //Move y-position
		sleep _delay; //Delay
};//end for ever ripple
};// end if

Edited by thedarkbird

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lol - have you got one with more bombs!

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Hmmmmmmm... for some reason it doesnt work for me!

I've done what you need to do.... create the carpetbomb.sqf and put it in the mission folder, I went in game and loaded the test mission, put down a radio trigger, put the exceVM command in the On act. area and put it as a radio command! Pushed the radio button..... and nothing!

I put down 2 empty makers, one is named "start" and the other is called "end"....

Any ideas whats wrong? (I'm not running CO)


EDIT: Nevermind got it to work! Just replace the provided ordnance with a GBU-12 :D

Edited by bigshotking

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Hey I can't seem to get it to work. I've copied the file into the mission folder and created a start object and end object. I also know it loads the script since I have put in a hint to check if it works. The problem is it just doesn't blow up. Note that I am activating it by the radio. Practically exactly the same as bigshot's problem, but no matter what i do it doesnt work. And also in ArmaEdit all the text is green?

Edited by barnard401

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