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weapon models in hand

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i know its a minor complaint,but does anyone else think that when u fire a weapon(from 1st person view),u should be able to see the bolt moving back + forward,and the cartridge case fly out,and any other parts which should move when the weapon is fired but dont?

plus,i know its been said a million times,but i really think the game needs sidearms.make things more realistic.

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Yo Trooper... You can see empty shell's flying if you look to the right while shooting...

(Our day will come)

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I do agree. The models do need tweaking. Just a little bit though. And he is right you can see the shell casings

fly out. It would look better and more realistic. Do you hear that BIS, REALISTIC!

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This may be dumb but i think the soldiers shadows need changing because when i am running and stop the shado shows my gun down by my chest in a relaxed setting but my soldier has it pressed to his shoulder or up by his shoulders in a ready-to-fire setting. Also the AK47 for the Russians needs fixing because the gun is pulled to far back in 1st person view, it looks like you are holding the very end of the gun and it makes the gun look small.

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Hey FCATrooper.....

Presumably you r named after the FCA Irish Officer Corps?

If not, i'm sorry.

If so, you know what they say about the FCA:



Heh heh. F@cking arrogant irish....

Also, I reserve the rite to slag off the irish cos I'm 1/2 irish. Not proud of it tho....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FCATrooper on 7:16 pm on Dec. 14, 2001


i know its a minor complaint,but does anyone else think that when u fire a weapon(from 1st person view),u should be able to see the bolt moving back + forward,and the cartridge case fly out,and any other parts which should move when the weapon is fired but dont?

plus,i know its  been said a million times,but i really think the game needs sidearms.make things more realistic.

<span id='postcolor'>

Polycount is way to low to realize this, if they would, it sure looks s**tty.

Most other FPS use 4 times and more the polycount on player models same is true with texture resolution.

It would require complete redo of models, as teh weapons are bound and not seperated from the player models in 1st person view.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Hawk Down on 9:26 pm on Dec. 15, 2001

Hey FCATrooper.....

Presumably you r named after the FCA Irish Officer Corps?

If not, i'm sorry.

If so, you know what they say about the FCA:



Heh heh. F@cking arrogant irish....

Also, I reserve the rite to slag off the irish cos I'm 1/2 irish. Not proud of it tho....

<span id='postcolor'>

You are now on the top of my enemy list...

My name dose not stand for mutiplayer... it stand's for Military Police... I'm a FCA-PA. 3rd field military police

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screw you,blackhawk....and no not the officer corps of the FCA,but yes the FCA.

what do u know about it anyway..the people who slag the FCA are the f**kers who wouldnt have the balls to join up.

plus,ur a brit,and ur calling the irish arrogant.....thats just plain funny.

you tell 'im,MP

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screw you,blackhawk....and no not the officer corps of the FCA,but yes the FCA.

what do u know about it anyway..the people who slag the FCA are the f**kers who wouldnt have the balls to join up.

plus,ur a brit,and ur calling the irish arrogant.....thats just plain funny.

you tell 'im,MP

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screw you,blackhawk....and no not the officer corps of the FCA,but yes the FCA.

what do u know about it anyway..the people who slag the FCA are the f**kers who wouldnt have the balls to join up.

plus,ur a brit,and ur calling the irish arrogant.....thats just plain funny. biggrin.gif

you tell 'im,MP

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Hawk Down on 9:26 pm on Dec. 15, 2001

Hey FCATrooper.....

Presumably you r named after the FCA Irish Officer Corps?

If not, i'm sorry.

If so, you know what they say about the FCA:



Heh heh. F@cking arrogant irish....

Also, I reserve the rite to slag off the irish cos I'm 1/2 irish. Not proud of it tho....

<span id='postcolor'>

Have you ever met my mate Steyr???

Easily arranged.

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Can some one explain to me why we still use this Jedi conjurring trick in the reload animation in OpFlash?

just wondered..

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no you shouldn't see the bolt moving because the bolt is on the opposite side of the gun. If you hold an m16 in your right hand the ejection port is on the right side of the gun pointing away from you. But nice try sancho.

I do agree with the sidearm idea though

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I was just going to say that...

There is another "bug" with m16a2 or in this case xm177e2. First get yourself an xm then find some rifle grenades (mortars) when you load your mortar into xm barrel the whole weapon changes to m16a2.

Instantly after firing the grenade it changes back to xm...

Looks a bit funny. It might be fixed already though haven´t checked this with 1.30 patch...

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I agree with the sidearm bit, but I think they just can't think of a good way to get around having the guys running around with their arm out stiff like it's in a splint like in halflife.

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I think it's a great idea, for OFP2.

Only thing about it is, you'd need a Cray to run the game... I mean, I've got an Athlon 900 and I have to play with most of the detail right down... (to get a decent frame rate). Sure, computers now are more powerful, but I recon that even with a Super Ninja Bastard PC, you won't be able to run OFP with max detail, 1600x1200x32, FSAA and view distance set to 5000m will you? (And play a mission as big as Battlegrounds)

I think that BIS has done a great job of balancing visuals/playability/performance. Thing about 'other games' is they don't have masive, open, playing areas with the ability to have 100's of objects, players, vehicles...

A great idea for OFP <2>.

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Sorry boys... (By that i mean MP and FCATrooper)

But u r gonna have to eat ur s**t when u find out that:

a) I outrank you

b) I'm tougher than you.

May sound arrogant, but that's cos guys in the ARW have the right to be arrogant.....

Sgt. Sebastian [cut surname, legal reaons]

3rd Battalion

12th Ranger Reg.

......so F*CK YOU, quite frankly....

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.....oh yeah, and MP?

Steyr eh?

heh heh heh....

Eat my MP5 and Sig Sauer.....

By the way, I hope we never have to serve with you "Infantry Sheisskopfs"....

Learned that one while training with the Bundeswehr Kommando + GSG-9 in Bayern Wald.....

(BTW I'd get in s**t 4 this, but how would brass find out?!)

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